Unpleasant Welcome

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The planet Krypton is in her death throes as lava shoots in the sky like geysers.The planet crust shift and tear causing even more lava to flow onto the planet surface.The oceans boiled.

Crystalline buildings that are supposed to last for uncountable years are being crushed by the chaos the planet is unleashing.

A mighty civilisation brought down not by outsiders but by their own hands.

Rul looked at the red sun in the sky as it slowly set in the horizon while all this was happening.

"At least I get to watch one last sunset before I go to the afterlife."Rul thought to himself.

The kryptonian civil war has greatly destabilized the planet as the weapons used are simply too much for the planet to handle.

"Huh what is going on!Why is there suddenly a blue circle surrounding me!"Rul tried to run but he couldn't it was as if someone froze his legs.

Eshinor(Ariand capital city of the world of Eshinor

Summoning chamber

Rul suddenly collapsed onto the floor of the summoning chamber.

"Great heroes you two have been summoned to deal with the fell races that have plagued our lands in the past few years."Grand mage Joshua said

Surprisingly Rul is able to understand what the mage is saying despite the fact he is foreign to this world.

"You should be able to understand what I am saying as those who have been summoned here immediately knows the language of this world.It is a blessing given to heroes who are summoned to the world of Eshinor."Joshua explained

"No way!This feels like some form fantasy come to life!I can't wait to kill monsters!"James said

"I feel light.This planet must have a lower gravity than Krypton."Rul thought to himself

"Oh sorry.I forgot to introduce myself.My name is James.I guess we are now brothers in arms since we both are summoned here."James extended his hand to Rul.

Rul shook James hand.

"Wow.You got a strong grip."James commented on Rul strength.

"Great heroes please follow us to the throne room where I will measure your mana."Joshua gestured for the newly summoned heroes to follow him.

"Why can't you just measure our mana here?"James asked

"It is tradition for Eshinor to have the mana of their heroes measured in the throne room in front of royalty."Joshua explained

Rul and James followed Joshua to the palace where the royalty is located.

Throne room

"The gods have finally answered my calls.Joshua please measure the mana of the heroes and displayed the heroes stats for everyone here in the throne room to see."King Erevus said

Grand mage Joshua measured the mana level of James and appears that James have a great reserve of mana that far exceeds the previous heroes.

"What is your name kind sir?"Grand mage asked James.

"Name is James."James replied

"James mana reserves far exceeds the previous heroes.My king we are truly blessed."Joshua showed king Erevus the stats of James.

"Truly blessed you are hero.Well Joshua time to measure the mana of the other hero.Let's hope our luck continues."King Erevus hoped

Joshua pointed his staff and measured Rul mana levels but turned out empty.

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