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(Page header is Kelly, Arcangel Azira's assistant and bestie :D)

Kelly approached apartment number 444 and sighed. She knocked twice, and before she could do it a third time, the door swung back. "I'm really sorry about earlier." Said the Archangel, sleepily leaning against the doorway. "Me too," added Kelly with a yawn as she entered.

"I don't actually think Crowley will return to hell. If that means anything." The woman settled onto a faded floral couch opposite Aziraphale. "No, dear—to be frank, I'd forgotten we had a disagreement." Kelly frowned and tucked her chin into her knee. "Crowley." Aziraphale shuddered and took a breath, and Kelly grabbed his hand in support. "He got in contact." Aziraphale added quickly, looking down to avoid seeming vulnerable. Kelly let the silence hang and felt the warmth fade from the room. "How do you feel?" Aziraphale shrugged almost instantly. "I agree with what you said earlier." Kelly took her hand away and tilted her head in confusion. "We should go down." Crossing her legs, Kelly studied the Archangel.

"What made you change your mind?"

"It doesn't matter." He whispered sternly, "What did he say?" She asked in response. "Kelly" Aziraphale closed his eyes and let out some exasperated breaths. "Did he threaten you?" The angel's eyes widened, and he gasped. "God, no! Nothing like that." Kelly grabbed the paper on the table and began to read. When done, she blinked and seemed unfazed. Then a smile began to creep onto her lips. "THE LUST IS MUTUAL??" Aziraphale covered his face in embarrassment and said, "You guys need to get laid." The Archangel rolled his eyes at that statement.

"I don't need to." He blushed. "We're not like that." Kelly had lost her filter long ago and continued her lewd, joking comments. "How big do you think he is?" Aziraphale's jaw dropped, and he had no words. "Okay, we're not talking about this." He laughed. Kelly simply smiled.

"I put a notice that you'll be out for the week." Aziraphale shook his hands with glee.

"Is this really happening? We're going to earth after so long!!"

Kelly threw the letter back on the table. "Tonight."

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