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IN WHICH Charlotte and Chris are both new to Reseda. Different reasons, yet they end up in the same place. While Chris is occupied with building new relationships and joining his fathers dojo,
Charlotte is taking care of her sick mom, little brother, and keeping her sister Tory out of trouble. When Tory joins Cobra Kai, Charlotte is pulled into a friend group with not only other Cobras, but Christopher himself.

Charlotte Nichols is caring, attentive, funny and most importantly gentle. She believes karate should only be used as a way to better yourself a learn a new skill. NOT for bullying. If she doesn't have her nose stuck in a novel, Charlotte is usually studying or spending some time alone away from the crazy. But what happens when a boy who invites chaos brings it to her?

Christopher Lawrence is protective, charismatic and troubled. Learning karate while falling into Johnny Lawrence's routine of poor nutrition, drinking, and juvenile tendencies is surprisingly a dream for Chris. Departing from his brother Robby, he learns to kick ass and let loose. When a new girl comes to town, does he embrace their differences, or resent them?

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