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AT 3:10, Johnny was waiting outside in his Challenger. Chris came out a few minutes later, chuckling at the sight of his dad blaring rock music with his shades on and windows down.

"How was the first day?" Asked Johnny, turning down the music while Chris entered the passenger seat.

"Slow. Boring." The boy shrugged.

"And what? No babes? Babe potential?"

"No. Well- there was this one girl that talked to me, but Miguel said she's rich, popular and off the market."

"Off the market my ass. Unless theres a ring, there's still a chance." Johnny lectured. "I almost forgot. Look in the back."

Christopher turned to face the back, seeing a piece of clothing folded somewhat neatly on the seat. He picked it up, revealing the top part of a black sleeveless gi with a cobra on the back. It had yellow accents and on the left shoulder, a small fist patch with his name above it. "Holy shit." Chris grinned in awe.

"Badass, right? I wanted yours to be special. It's just like the one I had back in '84." The man smirked, reminiscing on what he was like when he was young.

"Thank you, dad. This is awesome."

The two shared a smile before pulling up to the dojo. Exiting the car, Johnny led them inside.

"Alright, go change in my office while I move this dummy."

Chris left the mats to do as he was told. In the time he was changing, Miguel had showed up.

"Diaz. You're early."

"Yeah, well you said Chris was starting today so I figured you could use some extra help." Miguel shrugged.

As Chris walked out of the office, both pairs of eyes landed on him.

"Holy shit! Your gi is like- way cooler than mine."

"It looks good on you, kid." Johnny patted his shoulder, before leading him to the punching bag that replicated a man.

"Alright, here. I'm gonna show you a basic, but important move called the cobra strike." He stood infront of the dummy in a fighting position. "There's two parts that make it up. The lunge, and the bite, which is everything that happens after you make contact. You don't just stop when knuckle hits bone. You punch through the bone, like the guy you really wanna hit is behind this asshole."

After stepping back and taking a deep breath, Johnny demonstrated the strike, as the two boys watched intently. Miguel already knew this, but it still intrigued him.

"Alright, you go now."

Chris stepped infront of the dummy, getting in the same fighting stance Johnny did. His thumbs were infront of his knuckles, which was a better start then Miguel had. Taking a step forward, or- after the lunge Chris used his right hand to jab the dummy in the face.

"Good! Now again."

Stepping back and preparing another shot, Chris struck the dummy again and was instructed to do it 23 more times with his right hand, and then 25 with his left. Johnny said it was to strengthen the coordination equally, incase of an emergency. With every punch Chris let fly, his face scrunched with determination and power. If he was going to really do this, he couldn't just be 'good'. He needed to be the best.

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