four. NO MERCY

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"EVERYBODY, IN the terms that we have three individuals still standing, Mr. Christopher Lawrence must fight Mr. Robby Keene, to see who advances to the finals!"

As everybody on Cobra Kai collected themselves back on their side, Johnny made his way to Chris, who was focusing on his breathing.

"Look, we've been at this for months. You know how to fight. I'd bet my ass you could take anybody in this place." Johnny looked Christopher in the eye. He did believe that if he stayed focused, Chris could win. He would bring Cobra Kai to victory.

"There has been a change! Daniel Larusso is gonna coach! Mr. Robby Keene is now officially fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate!" The announcer spoke as a lady had ran up to tell him the change of events.

"I'm ready, Sensei." Chris spoke coldly, stepping onto the mat. Nobody else understood the thickness that was in the air except Johnny, Chris and Robby.

"Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow."

Chris's bow to Robby was significantly lower than the one Robby gave to him. Christopher was fighting with respect. Robby wanted pride. This wasn't what he was taught.

"Fighting positions! Ready..? Fight!"

Neither boys moved. They were both trying to figure each other out.

"Lets go, Lawrence! You're a Cobra! Cobras strike!" Miguel encouraged, and Chris nodded to himself. Robby tried to strike first before Chris could, sending a kick to his legs that was blocked. That seemed to be Robby's specialty. The balance of his kicks.

Since he had to be cautious of his shoulder, Robby only sent a few punches.  Chris had kept circling around the mat, trying to tire out Robby, which seemed to be working. In the time it took to plant both feet on the ground, Chris had found a vulnerable spot to jab right in Robby's torso.

"Stop! Point, Lawrence!"

Robby held his abdomen as Chris just smirked cockily.

"YEAH! You got this, Chris! No mercy!" Miguel shouted. It was the loudest over everyone else. Miguel knew they deserved to be on top.

Both Johnny and Daniel got flashbacks hearing 'point, Lawrence' again. 35 years ago, Johnny was awarded the same way.

Chris and Robby got back in their fight stances, and the ref announced them to begin the second round. Now having more confidence, Christopher lunged in with an axe kick that Robby dodged. He countered with a spinning back kick to Chris's head. The only option Chris had was to sweep Robby's leg, making him fall onto his shoulder. Robby yelped out in pain as Chris dropped to a knee to secure his point.

"Stop! 2-0, Lawrence!"

Robby slapped the mat in frustration, while Chris outstretched his hand which Robby looked disgustedly at. Instead of taking the hand, Robby tugged on Chris's hand, pulling Chris down to kick him in the stomach. He stumbled back onto his butt, and they had to hold Chris back from continuing any inappropriate behavior.

"Hey! Warning for unsportsmanlike contact! Get back on your side!" The ref angrily pointed at Robby, who got up to talk to Daniel.

"You're dead, Keene!" Chris shouted in fury. The lights, the crowd, the blood pumping in his veins and the pure desire to win was changing him. He had one purpose today, and he would get there.

"Get him a body bag!" Hawk roared excitedly. Even if he couldn't beat Robby, he knew Chris would.

"Enough with this bullshit back and forth. You can go home if you wanna fuck around." Johnny spoke sternly, and Chris looked at him with crazy eyes and his mouth open in disbelief.

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