three. KEENE

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MONTHS HAD passed, and Chris had become Cobra Kai's best student. Well, that's what his dad told him, but if they were being honest him and Miguel were equal. Either way, they had both turned into Karate enthusiasts. If they weren't in school, they were training. No matter the weather, time, or how they were feeling. They needed a win. And they were going to earn it.

Christopher had spent the night at Miguel's house the night before the tournament, partially because they were too excited to not talk about it, but also because Johnny was acting a little crazy that night as well. He had left after dinner, and didn't come back until late so Chris assumed he was gone out or something.

Carmen had given the two boys a drive after making them a balanced breakfast. She wanted her two boys (she had basically become Chris's mother figure) to be fully ready to conquer anything at the tournament today.

"Okay, Miggy I want you to stay safe today, okay? I'm serious, my heart is racing alre-"

"Mom, I'm gonna be fine! Sensei said he will be at the edge of the mat at all times." Miguel interrupted Carmen, who was sitting in the drivers seat looking back at him. Rosa was sat in the passenger seat with Chris behind her.

"We've trained hard, Ms. Diaz. We're gonna be good." Chris flashed her a smile, putting his fist up for Miguel to bump.

"Okay, okay. Good luck to you both, mijos." Carmen returned the smile, as the two boys gathered their backpacks and got out. Finding the rest of the cobras. They all shared a quick 'hello', before Miguel got straight to warming up. Even if they were in the parking lot, he wanted everyone to know he was here; and he was ready.

In addition to turning 16, Chris had developed way more muscle over the past 8 or so months. Even though he hated to admit it, he couldn't wait to see himself in the pictures Carmen promised she would take of him.

"Wait, Chris why didn't you come with your dad?" The kid with the lip, who was now known respectively as 'Hawk' asked.

"Uh.. we just wanted to 100% prepare ourself last night, and Ms. Diaz offered me a drive." Chris shrugged. Though, now he wondered if he should've stayed with his dad. Johnny wasn't here yet, and  if Chris had shown up late, who knows when Johnny will arrive.

Silence fell apon them, besides the quick exhales Miguel would let out as he practiced his straight jabs.

"Yo, Miguel, calm down, man. Save some for the tournament." Hawk advised, though Miguel ignored him.

"Hey," Aisha tapped Hawks shoulder. "Don't even bother. He's been super aggro ever since the break up."

Aisha was right. Chris had noticed how much more lazer-focused Miguel was after breaking up with Sam. After she showed up to a party with Robby, (who Chris had to play off like he didn't know who it was, and luckily Robby didn't see him) Miguel has been a little heartbroken to say the least.

"Where's Sensei? The tournaments gonna start soon."

"He'll be here."

"I don't know about that." Bert perked up. A short kid with blonde hair and glasses, who Chris fought the urge to not punch in the face everyday.

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw him last night at the mini-mall. I was buying.. a carton of milk; when I heard him in the parking lot yelling. It looked like he was peeing on a red car, and he was drinking." Bert adjusted his glasses as he spoke.

"Why didn't you tell us this earlier?" Aisha questioned.

"I guess I'm so used to seeing him drunk, it didn't seem like a big deal."

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