five. DEJA VU

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CHRISTOPHER DECIDED to go out for dinner with the other Cobras that night to celebrate their big win. He figured Johnny just went home to drink, and Chris wasn't his babysitter anyway. He was a fully grown man who could do what he wanted.

Demetri, Aisha and Chris had all sat on one side of the booth, letting Hawk and his girlfriend Moon have the other side, since Miguel had 'went to the bathroom' just to go sit and sulk by himself.

"Hey, is it cool if I put this on my story?" Aisha looked around the table, holding up her phone. Everyone muttered a 'yeah, sure' while nodding their heads, allowing her to stand up and start recording. "So, you might be wondering what a team does after they win the championship. The answer? Victory nachos!" Aisha panned her phone around the table, showing the food and everyone enjoy it. There were lots of 'wooh's and cheers from the teenagers, trying to sink in their accomplishment. "It was supposed to be a round of drinks, but the waitress was not feeling Hawk's fake id."

"Hey. Don't talk about that, my parents follow you." Hawk scolded in a whisper.

"Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Moskowitz." Aisha had put the phone back into selfie mode. "Until next time, no mercy bitches."

Once she sat back down, Chris happily stuffed his face with one of the nachos, at the same time Demetri picked up a chip.

"I gotta say, it's nice to be at a victory party."

"Yeah, except you had nothing to do with the victory." Hawk countered, taking the nacho from the brunette's hands before shoving it into his mouth. Chris let out a little 'mmh', which meant he thought it was funny. No hate to Demetri, but Hawk was right.

"Then I consider it a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp. Remember?" Demetri motioned between him and Hawk. "Demetri and Eli, binary brothers!" He did a weird robot dance that made the girls laugh.

"Hey, cool it with the nerd shit, huh?" The blue haired boy warned in a hush tone.

"Nah, coding is cool. I'd get into it but I'd be ten cents short of a dime." Chris shrugged, making Demetri laugh and feel better about himself. He was the only one that got the joke.

"Wait, what?" Hawk furrowed his brows.

"Means I'd have nothin' for it."


"Hey, where's Miguel? Those wings are getting cold." Moon pointed out, making the five teens look around. He was spotted sitting at a table by himself on his phone.

"C'mon, lets go." Chris looked between Aisha and Hawk, wanting them to come cheer him up. Walking over, it seemed that Miguel was searching up Sam on Instagram.

"El Serpiente, there you are." Hawk announced their presence, before patting Miguel on the back and sitting down.

"This is how you celebrate a first place trophy?" Aisha asked rhetorically, as her and Chris took a seat as well.

"She blocked me." Miguel sighed.

"So what happens when you get blocked? You counterpunch. Except, maybe don't actually hit her this time." Hawk laughed at his own joke, and Christopher had to bite his tongue from laughing as well. Instead, he dropped his head to hide the smile on his face. Aisha slapped his arm and gave Hawk a look. "What, too soon? Look, all I'm saying is don't give up."

"It's no use, I blew any shot I had with her." Miguel rubbed his arms with a saddened tone.

"Just give Sam some time. She'll come around." Aisha assured.

"Or she won't. You're the champ now. You can get any girl in the valley you want. You're like Drake. Enjoy it." Hawk bumped Miguel on the arm before going back to sit with Demetri and Moon. Aisha put a comforting hand on Miguel's bicep.

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