God as the Artist of the Universe

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In the dawn of eternity, when time was but a whisper,

God, the cosmic artist, set His hands to sculpt the universe.

From formless void, He shaped a masterpiece,

A symphony of stardust and celestial hues.

His chisel danced upon the canvas of existence,

Carving galaxies into existence, birthing suns and moons.

Yet, in this cosmic atelier, a shadow stirred-

Lucifer, the fallen seraph, harbinger of discord.

With treacherous brushstrokes, he marred the pristine clay,

Splattering darkness upon God's nascent creation.

The once-glorious sculpture, now veiled in sin,

Its contours twisted, its essence tarnished.

God gazed upon His work, heart heavy with sorrow,

Love waning as shadows clung to His celestial canvas.

But hope flickered within His eternal soul,

For redemption's brushstroke awaited its moment.

And so, with purposeful grace, He dipped His brush

Into a bucket of crimson-the blood of sacrifice.

He painted over the blackened scars, layer by layer,

Transforming ugliness into beauty, despair into hope.

The sculpture, now bathed in scarlet grace,

Bore the weight of humanity's redemption.

God's love flowed freely, an ocean of mercy,

As He offered His creation a chance to bereborn.

In the marketplace of existence, He displayed His work,

An art dealer of salvation, inviting all to behold.

Yet skeptics questioned the signature etched in stars,

Doubting the Artist's hand, denying His truth.

But those who gazed with eyes of faith,

They saw beyond the clay and pigment.

They admired the strokes of forgiveness,

Recognized the divine signature-the cross.

For in this cosmic gallery, the sculpture lives on,

A testament to love's enduring masterpiece.

And as the ages turn, hearts still seek redemption,

Yearning to be saved through Christ-the Artist's gift.

So let us marvel at the crimson canvas,

Where blackened sin meets scarlet grace.

And may our souls, like the sculpture reborn,

Admire the divine handiwork-the eternal lovestory.

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