Echoes of True Feminism

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In the roaring twenties, they stood tall,

Their voices echoing through the halls,

"Let women vote!" they cried, undeterred,

Breaking chains of silence, their vision stirred.

In '55, defiance took its seat,

A brave soul refusing the bus's backbeat,

"I will not sit there," she declared,

Her courage a beacon, injustice laid bare.

And '63 brought forth a battle cry,

"We want equal pay!" they reached for the sky,

Women, warriors of truth and might,

Demanding fairness, their cause alight.

Those were the years of genuine fight,

When feminism burned with a righteous light,

Necessary strides against a biased tide,

Breaking barriers, shattering the divide.

But today's chorus sings a different song,

A cacophony of voices, right and wrong,

"We want abortions," some voices proclaim,

While others peddle nudes for fleeting fame.

Empowerment, they claim, in pixels and screens,

Yet cringe-worthy hashtags mar the scenes,

"Kill all men," they chant, a venomous cry,

Drowning out reason, leaving empathy awry.

Oh, how I yearn for the feminism of yore,

The fire that blazed, the battles it bore,

Not this twisted parody, this hollow refrain,

Where virtue is lost, and true progress wanes.

So, credit to those who discern the divide,

The Mannii Show, a beacon to guide,

Between real and fake, he sheds the light,

On echoes of true feminism, burning bright.


May the echoes of true feminism continue to inspire us, and may we strive for progress with wisdom and compassion.

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