Jesus as the Meaning of Life

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In the quiet heart, whispers begin,

A gentle murmur, from deep within.

The Word made flesh, the Light so bright,

Jesus, the morning star in darkest night.

He walked the earth, a path so true,

A beacon of hope in skies so blue.

With hands of healing and heart so wide,

He brought forth love that would not hide.

In parables woven, truths unfurled,

A tapestry of grace for the world.

The bread of life, the vine, the way,

Jesus, the meaning, in Him we stay.

Upon the cross, His arms stretched wide,

A love so vast, it cannot hide.

The lamb, the shepherd, the sacrifice,

Jesus, the meaning, paid the price.

From empty tomb, the stone rolled away,

The promise of life, forever to stay.

He rose, He conquered, death's dark strife,

Jesus, the meaning, the way, the life.

So let us walk, His steps to trace,

In humble service, with love and grace.

For in His story, our lives entwine,

Jesus, the meaning, the truest vine.

Travel: A Collection of PoemsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum