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In the quiet forge of time, where dreams ignite,

Laziness slumbers, a siren's tempting flight.

Youths, beguiled by haste, forsake the plow,

Seeking shortcuts, they forget the sacred vow.

I. The Trend of Sloth

Laziness, a new trend, whispers its deceit,

Promising swift rewards, a sugar-coated treat.

Impatience blooms like wildflowers in spring,

Yet greatness eludes those who clip their wings.

II. The Impatient Harvest

Quick gains, like morning dew, evaporate,

Fleeting as a comet's tail, they dissipate.

What sprouts in haste, withers in the sun,

A fragile bloom, its life swiftly undone.

III. The Patient Gardener

But behold the patient gardener's creed:

Toil and sweat, the soil's sacred need.

Each furrow plowed, each seed pressed deep,

A symphony of labor, a promise to keep.

IV. The Anvil of Perseverance

He hammers the anvil of days and nights,

Forges strength from struggle, ignites

The fire within, fueled by sweat and heat,

His hands calloused, heart resolute, complete.

V. The Painful Alchemy

Today's pain, an alchemist's crucible,

Transmutes into tomorrow's unyielding will.

The anvil sings, and the hammer strikes,

Shaping character, molding life's pikes.

VI. The Slow Ascent

Mountains are climbed step by deliberate step,

Not in reckless leaps, but with breath well-kept.

The summit awaits those who endure,

Their footsteps etching resilience pure.

VII. The Unseen Victory

So remember, O people, when shadows fall,

The pain today is the cornerstone of all.

In sweat-soaked hours, strength is sown,

And victory blooms where patience is known.

Hardwork, the silent architect of fate,

Builds bridges to stars, transcending weight.

Embrace the forge, the anvil's rhythmic beat,

For greatness whispers to those who meet.

Tomorrow's strength, a phoenix rising high,

Born from today's labor, reaching for the sky.

So let the pain sear, let the fire refine,

For hardwork's legacy is the soul's design.

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