Chapter 10 (A God killer Path for Blood!)

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Shido POV

Ever since Y/N left I begin missing his selfish remarks, I thought I would hate it but actually I don't for some reason and I know why he does it...

He doesn't want me or anyone involved with his "business" But I can't help but worry about him since everyone Has some sort of connection of him especially Miku she is sad that Y/N has departed from all of us. I Tried cheering her up but she just want Y/N to come back to us.

Kotori Begin a Search hunt for Y/N but have zero results.

Natsumi started a game with me since I was associated with Y/N but mainly she wanted to target Y/N for what he done to her but he was no where to be found.

Anyway Long story short I won the game, She got mad and run away and next thing happened all the spirits and origami turn into kids.

Then Reine Notified us that their trouble in the forest so we all rushed into the scene

Then we see Natsumi getting attacked by Ellen.

Natsumi: Someone please help me!

Ellen: I'm afraid there no one there to help you Witch!

Tohka was to rushed at Ellen but then a black portal spawn in front of Natsumi!

Tohka was to rushed at Ellen but then a black portal spawn in front of Natsumi!

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It was Y/N?!

Ellen: God killer?!

Natsumi: It's you!!!

Shido: Y/N? Is that you?

Y/N: Well Yes but actually No.

Shido: Huh?!

Y/N: I'm a clone created from his time rings to help you guys in Y/N request.

Shido: Nani?! A clone?!

Wait a minute I think remember he was using clones against kurumi

Tohka: So your Y/N 2.0?

Y/N clone: Huh?! What the hell are you guys talking about?

Y/N clone: No what Nevermind I'm here to kick some ass!

Ellen: Dai Told me a lot about you!

Y/N clone: Oh? Are you gonna tell me you did your research on me?

Ellen didn't say a word as she already trying to swing at Y/N

Y/N Clone: Getting impatient are we? Here Let me help you. GABRIEL!!! SOLO!!!

He then uses Miku angel to control all the AST girls and attack Ellen

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