Chapter 15 (Confronting The First Spirit)

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So I'm currently At the D.E.M Headquarters Training the army's That Wescott gave me and he gave me his daughters from the Book Nia once wielded.

I think their names were Nibeelcoles? I Guess?


Y/N: Cmon Try focusing!

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Y/N: Cmon Try focusing!

Nibeelcole 1: I'm trying but your too fast!

Nibeelcole 2: Y/N Sir can we take a break I'm getting tired!!

Nibeelcole 3: Yeah Please I can't take more of this!

Y/N: No! You will keep going until I see improvement! Now keep attacking me!

All Nibeecoles: *sighs* Yes Sir!

After 30 Minutes later

All  Nibeelcoles: *panting*

Y/N: Wow this is what I'm giving my power too? How Pathetic!

All Nibeelcoles: *starts crying* Your so mean!!!

Y/N: Eh?! There crying?!

Then Ellen came in the room

Ellen: What's with the commotion! What the- Y/N?! Why are they crying?!

Y/N: Ellen? Uh... I Might of said something bad to them...

Ellen: Well do something! I can't have Ike see this!

Y/N: Fine! You girls stop your crying! I will take you  to the park right now!

Nibeelcoles: *stops crying* Really?!

Y/N: Yes now let's go before I change my mind!

Ellen: Wow... that's all it's takes?

Nibeelcoles: Yay let's go!

Then they fly around me circling in joy

Y/N: Yeah Yeah.

I then took them to the amusement park

First we went to all the rides they seemed to enjoy it haha you thinking how can I afford this? Well I stole Shido wallet... again.

Then we went out and eat and they watch and stare as I eat everything in the restaurant.

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