Chapter 2: Chemistry

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Harlow looked at the boy, Conrad. The way the sun shined down at his eyes from the large window, had her thinking. How come she's never felt that feeling in her stomach before? What was it? Was she going to throw up because she was nervous, or was she just admiring him a bit to much?

"Earth to Harlow? Are you okay?!" Jackie says, snapping her fingers in front of Harlows face. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts, looking at Jackie with a smile. "Sorry..zoned off." She responds, fixing her hair. Both boys looked to her. "Isn't she hot?" Elijah whispers to Conrad.

"Who even is that?" He whispers back, as he opens his gatorade. "Oh that's Harlow Smiths." He whispers back, opening his peanut butter and jelly sandwitch. "Ew gross they put to much jelly." Elijah says with a disgusted look, plastered across his face. "It's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich doofus, no shit." Jackie says, rolling her eyes.


I looked at the boy. Why did he look so charming? But guys like that always have shitty personalities. I shrugged it off, looking at Jackie.

"Hey Jackie, I'm gonna go to my class a bit early, lost my appetite." I say, getting my things together. "Ugh. Was it my brother?" She asks me before I hear a thud under the table. "Ow! Why'd you kick my leg?!" Eli says, bringing his leg up to the table.

"Dude..gross." Conrad says shaking his head. " it's fine. I wanna take some notes early." I say, with a smile, standing up. "Oh okay, have fun." She smiled.

"Bye Harlow." Elijah says with a grin. I playfully roll my eyes, heading to my next class which was my chemistry class, which I had with that Conrad boy. Wonder if he'll show.

Class has started as some people slowly arrived. I had took my notebook out, writing down some notes.

When it came to school, I just wanted to get everything done and right the first time, so I made sure I studied hard and paid attention, so that way I don't have to repeat everything, now I'm in Stanford. I've always been a good straight 'A' student.

Then someone sat beside me, as I slowly looked. It was the Conrad boy. Why's he sitting beside me?

I scooted away as he was a bit close. "I don't have cooties." He chuckles, joking. I put my pencil down, looking at him once again. "Sorry." I mumbled, awkwardly.

"Conrad." He puts his hand down, I slowly shake it. Does he seriously not remember me from the lunch room?

"We've met before." I slowly let go of his hand. "Really? I'm sorry I've had a lot going on." He sighs, he put his phone down on the table as his phone had turned on, I looked at his lockscreen. It was a picture of him and a blonde lady, looked like she can be his mom.

I decided to stay shut, just wanting to finish these notes, looking between my paper and the whiteboard, as the professor wrote everything down. "This is a lot." I hear Conrad sigh, as he takes out a piece of paper, doing the same.


After Chemistry with that Conrad boy, we didn't really talk after that. That was the only class we had together.

I finished up my work for my last class, as I put my notebook in my bag. I stood up, realizing I was the only one in here.

How embarrassing.

I walked out, as I began to make my way to my dorm, which I had to walk outside to get there, and it was blazing hot.

That's when I got hit with a ball, on my head.

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