Chapter 5: Obsessed

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The group had all gotten out of the car, walking into the fancy restaurant. "They better have steak here." Elijah says, rubbing his stomach. Jackie had went up to the front, asking for their reservations, as the rest stood back. "You hungry?" Conrad asked Harlow with a grin. "Yeah, last thing I ate was this morning." Harlow says, as both laughed lightly.

Soon they had followed the waiter to their table, Jackie and Harlow sitting beside each other, and the boys sitting next to eachother as well.

Conrad glanced up at Harlow who was right in front of him, Jackie noticing with a smirk plastered across her face.

"think I'm going to get a pinacolta." Conrad says, looking through the menu now. "Oh shit..I lowkey want one too." says Elijah.

They had ordered their drinks, turning their attention back to each other. "So..Christmas vacation is coming up, you guy's excited?" Elijah asks the group. "Yeah, I'm visiting my brother and friends so." Conrad says, a smile forming on his face. "What about you Har?" Eli asked the girl. "Probably heading back home, my sister really misses me." The blonde says.

"You have a sister? How old?" Conrad asked the girl, furrowing his brows as he was quite curious. "She's 15." The girl answered, nodding her head.

"Oh my brothers 17, hes in his junior year so." Conrad nods. "Me and Eli are buying our parents a bunch of gifts, we think they deserve it, especially for Christmas." Jackie mentions. "Aw that's sweet." Harlow says with a smile.

The group began to connect and talk more, as there food came sooner or later, enjoying it and having fun.

The 4 now chilled in Jackie and Harlows dorm room, still talking. Conrad sat on the beanbag, as he started to type on his phone aggressively. "You good man?" Elijah asked with a chuckle, as he sat on the floor.

Conrad was to distracted to hear what he was saying. "Conrad?" Jackie called out. He quickly snapped out of it, clearing his throat as he looked at the 3. "Sorry, my friend Steven is texting me." He says, shutting his phone off. Harlow and Jackie quickly exchanged looks.

"Who's Steven?" Elijah asked the boy, as he already knew. "My childhood best friend. He just started college so." Conrad smiled at the thought of his best friend. "He seems cool, I always hear him on the phone." Eli says. "Yeah you have to meet him, I mean all of you. Back in Boston is the best, and Laurel makes the best smoothies, my Mom used to make the best pancakes too, they where best friends.."

"Who's Laurel?" Jackie asked. "Stevens mom, also known as Bellys mom too. My ex." He responds. "Wait so..was Belly like basically your family?" Elijah laughed.

"I wouldn't consider it. Our moms where close, we spent every summer at our beach house at cousins beach..but it just doesn't feel the same without my Mom." He says, in a more sadder tone. "I'm sorry about your mom Conrad.." Harlow says, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm sorry..I hope your family heals well." Elijah says. "Let's chop up the sad talk, how about we watch a comedy movie to cheer you up, Connie?" Jackie says with a light laugh.

"Yeah sure" he chuckled.

As soon as the boys left the dorm room, Jackie quickly grabbed her laptop. "We're searching who this Belly bitch is." Jackie says, as she started typing on her computer. Harlow laughed as she thought she was joking. "You're serious?" She asked, as she began to change into some pajamas.

"I mean yeah, she dated Conrad and his brother, that seems like some weird stuff..this girl has to be special or something." Jackie says. Harlow sighed, as she climbed into Jackie's bed. "Found anything?" She asked.

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