Road trip.

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My name is Kayla. And I am terrified of carnivals.

I know, I know

Weird phobia.

When people think of phobias, they most likely think of rational fears.

Being alone in the dark.

Most people wouldn't associate a phobia with a place where you bring children.

I always used to love carnivals. I used to love the smell of the food, the lights from the rides, the music blaring over the speakers of the rides.

Carnivals used to be my favorite part of summer.

That is, until I barely escaped with my life out of one.

Honestly the fact that I am about to relive every gruesome detail of what I saw in that carnival straight from the depths of hell, makes me sick to my stomach.

Every single one of my friends died that night

Except for me.

This all happened about 3 months ago.

Me and my 4 friends had decided to attend a party a few towns over. We all thought it would be a good opportunity to catch up, as well as get messed up together again.

We had planned nearly every detail of the trip.

My friend Kristin. Would drive us to the event. She was a very fast driver and certainly would be the best person to get us there quickly. 

I would be in charge of snacks as well as drinks.

I knew everyone's favorite foods; this made me perfect for this job.

My friend Ronnie would supply us our smoke for the ride. We were all extreme pot heads, and some of us alcoholics.

We wouldn't be drinking on this trip though. We had all planned on drinking a ton at the party we were going to attend that night.

Ashlyn would be in charge of the navigation. She was always the best at finding the quickest and easier route. 

Her and Kristin were a lot alike, when it came to getting somewhere quickly and not wasting any time. They both could have been the best driver honestly. But I had more trust in Kristin's driving than I did from Ashlyn's. Her history of accidents and speeding tickets certainly didn't help her out either.

She hated traffic and wasting time. This encouraged her, to drive like everyone in the car had extra lives. This also encouraged her to take short cuts, or the road that isn't driven on. 

You know the ones, where you can drive for miles, and maybe see 1 car heading in the opposite direction. The kind of road that no sane minded person would ever take, out of fear of being stranded, with no one around.

We all got together in a group chat the day before we left. I made sure to tell everyone the time that we were leaving as well as other details about the trip.

We were all very excited to all get together again, get wasted and really enjoy the night.

I don't think any of us could have ever imagined the horrors we would see only a day later

I honestly don't think I can ever forget some of the things I saw.

I have attended several therapy sessions. I've had a few good talks with my good buddy Jack, I still can't erase the horror, and the evil that I witnessed that night.

After sending out the group chat I awaited some replys. I sat at my desk for a moment before I finally saw a message icon pop up on my screen.

"Got us a big bag for the ride!" My friend Ronnie texted.

I will never visit a carnival againWhere stories live. Discover now