Welcome to Hillberry carnival

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We continued down the road for quite a while before we finally saw the bright glowing sign of the carnival.  We pulled into the parking lot and lucky for us, it was empty. It made sense though, I looked at the time as we arrived and it was currently 10:45, nearly 11. And if this town really believes in the folk tale of the town Hillberry, nobody was going to show up.

This made me wonder to myself. How could these people have possibly been able to keep this place open? Its not like they had any visitors after 11. The town folktale most likely kept everyone away. This was fine with me though. We would be all alone in this awesome looking carnival. 

The carnival wasn't the biggest. Then again it really couldn't have been. This place couldn't be a cedar point looking place, if it was open 24 hours a day.  But what It lacked in size, it made up for in looks. This place was beautiful. The lights on the rides glowed brightly, lighting everything around the area. The Carnival was mostly rides though, There was only one game, it was the hammer strength test machine. I wasn't going to do it, but Ronnie may want to try his hand at it.  Maybe Amanda should too, then again, she'd probably Invision my head under the hammer. 

The many rides made the house of glass shine so bright that it practically caught my eyes from the parking lot. I couldn't make out everything that was there from where we were, but I can tell you this much, my heart was pounding with excitement.  We all got out of the car and formed a group outside of it. 

"What do we think guys?" I said confidently hoping they too were on board.

Of course, I already knew they were. They had gone with me, didn't they?

"Place is awesome" Amanda began.

"I've actually been here a while back. I didn't know exactly what carnival what we were going to, now that I see it, I can tell you guys this place rules." Amanda proceeded.

I looked at Amanda in confusion. I quickly dismissed it with my excitement for our adventure. We all began walking to the main entrance. Ronnie began talking about all of the rides we were going to hit and food we were going to eat. I'm guessing at his state, he wasn't particularly worried about counting calories that day. He was probably going to eat enough for the 3 of us. I smiled in response to his talking. It was good to see his chatting it up, being happy Ronnie that I always knew.

Amanda quickly felt her pockets. She made a panicked expression. I quickly noticed and asked her what was wrong. 

"I forgot my pill!" Amanda whispered, not wanting the others to hear.

I respected her privacy and urged her to go back to the car and retrieve it. I knew Kristin most likely didn't lock it, why would she? We were literally the only customers here. It wasn't like anything was going to be stolen.

Amanda ran back to the car as we all continued waling forward. We got to the front entrance of the carnival and waited for Amanda. We all felt the excitement inside us. We had completely forgotten about the tale we had been told only an hour before. Amanda quickly returned to us and we made our way inside.

We began searching for somebody to sell us tickets. We wanted to get straight to the action, this was going to be awesome. We searched for a moment before we finally ran into someone, or I should say, he ran into us. Matter fact He charged into us.

We were in the entrance of the carnival, by a large clown. He had red curly hair, with white face paint, a smile was painted across his face in red, with diamonds painted around his eyes. He stared at us hysterically.

"I don't want to do it." He muttered to himself as he sat in front of us.

We stared in confusion at the clown, completely taken away by what we were seeing, I always thought clowns were supposed to make you laugh.

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