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I jumped out of bed to the sound of my alarm.

Today was the day!

I had set my clock to 5 in the morning. I wanted to get up extra early, to insure that I had everything I needed for that day.

I made my bed quickly and headed for the door of my room.

I told my parents about the party, out of courtesy the night before.

My parents were really cool people. As long as I maintained employment, and paid my share of the bills, they pretty much let me do as I please. As I am nearly 18.

They had pretty much given me the typical

"Be safe"
"We love you"


I began walking through the empty house.

Both of my parents were employed, and worked the early shift. They were gone a half an hour before I woke up.

I sat down at the kitchen table with my usual cup of yogurt and began scrolling through my social medias.

One of the first post I saw was a news article.

The article was a missing persons report.

The person missing was Amanda's ex boyfriend.

Authorities are still on the look out for 19 year old Nick Johnston. Person was last seen near the town of hillberry. Anyone sees this person please contact your local authorities.

This struck me as peculiar.

Amanda's ex boyfriend was missing, and just the other night she had told me that she dumped him.

I began trying to put two and two together and came to the conclusion that there was no way Amanda had anything to do with this.

Amanda was a very small, petite girl. She definitely wouldn't have been able to subdue Nick. Nick was a big guy, he would have snapped Amanda like a twig if she would have even raised her hands to him. She couldn't have been responsible for this.

He was able to beat her for months, without her doing anything. There's no way in this world that one day she could just over power him.

On a whim I still decided to shoot Amanda a message, and ask her if she had seen the article

I sent the message and to my surprise... Nothing.

This was odd. Only hours ago we were chatting it up and now she won't even return a message?

Thinking that maybe she was simply sleeping, I decided to wait it out.

I waited for over an hour and still, no answer.

I looked at the clock and seen that it was now 7 in the morning.


It's only two hours to departure time, and I haven't even showered, or fully ate my breakfast.

I sighed as I wolfed down the remaining 3 bites inside the yogurt cup and then tossed it out.

I then walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the bathroom.

Got just a little more time before Kristin shows up at my doorstep. .

And if I know one thing about her, it's that she doesn't like wasting time. She definitely wouldn't want to wait for me.

I quickly showered and returned to my room. To retrieve my bag from my bed.

The bag had everything I would need for this trip, my phone chargers, extra clothes. That kind of thing. I had also packed my special vape pen.

I will never visit a carnival againWhere stories live. Discover now