An unexpected stop.

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We drove down the road for what seemed like forever. We had a blast puffing joints, talking to each other about what we had all done with our lives since after graduating high school. 

Ronnie had actually landed himself a great job, working as a supervisor at a local grocery store. They must not drug test, because I don't believe I've ever seen Ronnie when he wasn't stoned off of his ass. He probably spent 2/3 of his check on smoke, every single week.

Ashlyn had actually gotten a job. She was never one for working, but she landed a minimum wage job at a local Mcdonalds. I don't think she loved it, based on what she was saying about the place and about her managers. Overall, it seemed like she was maintaining her employment.

Kristin was working for a small shop, where she worked over 40 hours a week. Today was actually her last day off for 3 whole days. This made me wonder why she wanted to go to a party tonight. She would no doubt be hungover tomorrow. Why would she want to go to work like that?  I chose not to ask, as it was really none of my business. I was happy she was coming; I couldn't wait to party with her again. 

Kristin and I had been to quite a few parties together. There was not a single one, where we didn't get completely wasted. We were the kind of people that would take 3 shots, and then 6 minutes later do 3 more. We were the kind to finish a whole bottle between the two of us. As I have said before though, this was not everyday behavior.

I had a very good, high paying job as a sales consultant. I had to make sure that I was sharp enough and cognitive enough to close deals with whomever I may be speaking to. Definitely not the kind of job where you could get wasted the night before.

Amanda didn't share what she was doing with her life. I didn't blame her. After the conversation we had in her house, I was surprised that she was sitting in the car with us at all. I couldn't believe that we had been so cold. How could we have all abandoned her, when she needed us most of all. 

We drove for several about 2 hours before Kristin spoke.

"How much farther?" Kristin asked loudly.

"I'm ready to party" She continued.

I looked at the GPS, and what I noticed made me begin to panic. 

We had somehow missed one of our turns during our talking and now had a 3 hour drive ahead of us. I felt myself becoming enraged. This trip had practically doubled in length, and what si worse. The GPS had taken us way out of our way. I had absolutely no idea where we even were at this point. I felt a wave of panic wash over me, as I knew I had to tell Kristin.

"Please don't kill me." I began.

Kristin shot me a confused stare. She then turned her attention to the GPS and her look of confusion, turned to a look of disgust.

"You have to be kidding me!" Kristin roared. 

"How did we go from a 2-hour trip to a fucking 4-hour trip?" Kristin demanded.

I sat there in confusion. What turn could we have missed? I knew that we were all deep into our conversation earlier, but I didn't realize that we had somehow completely ignored the GPS. Then again, we did have the radio down. The radio was the only way we could have even heard the robot voice from the Maps app. 

"I have no idea." I responded.

"We must have missed a turn somewhere." I continued.

Kristin shot me an angry glare.

"Wow!" Kristin roared again.

"You must be some kind of fucking detective. Tell me, how was it that you were able to sniff that one out?" Kristin said sarcastically. 

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