The family

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Meanwhile in Hillberry

The sound of carnival music echoed. The bright lights from the rides glowed, lighting the pathway around the carnival that otherwise would not have been visible.

All of the paying customers for the day had long since left, the place was now empty.

Funny thing about this carnival, it was family owned, and was unlike any other.

It was open all day and all night. It was a 24 hour business.

This carnival during the day, was a fun place. Children ride rides, eat delicious carnival food and are entertained by the big bodied clown that wandered about the place. He would blow balloons up for the children and overall it was a great place

But at night.

It was not a place you would ever want to bring a child.

That is.

If you don't want to pay for therapy sessions.

the rumor was that if you dared stay past 11pm, there was a possibility that you would never be seen again. That if you stayed past 11, you would be subjected to the horrors of that place.

A tall blonde-haired male begins dragging a crying man down the midway.

He shouts in pain as the tall redneck looking man grips him tightly by his hair and proceeds to drag him.

"Shut your fucking mouth woman beater!" The redneck man shouts angrily, completely ignoring his cries.

The man's face had been beaten severely. It was completely bruised. Both of his eyes were nearly swollen shut.

His hands had been zip tied behind his back, rendering him completely unable to fight.

He continued to scream as the redneck continued dragging him.

The redneck dropped the man in front of the hammer strength test. We're he was greeted by a short, black haired woman. And two enormous boys.

The woman was average build, but the boys.. were walking monsters.

These two were big enough to contend for world's strongest men. The size of their bodies was a clear indicator that their mother always had them eating.

"About time." The short woman said loudly. She smiled at the blonde redneck man as he approached her. 

The redneck stared happily at the man below him who was now crying, begging for his life, in short frantic whispers.

"Sorry." The redneck began.

"I was having a little chat with the woman beater." He continued

The man below him shook as he continued to whine.

"He ain't talking much now" The redneck said loudly.

The man stared up at the redneck who was now staring directly into his eyes.

"You like to hit woman?" The redneck asked in a sick tone.

The man looked up in fear as the redneck spoke.

"Well your in luck!" The redneck cheered.

He then urged his wife to come stand next to him.

"My wife here, she loves a good fight." He continued.

His wife then stepped in front of him

She stared angrily into the swollen eyes of the man before her. Her bright blue eyes were ignited by hatred.

I will never visit a carnival againWhere stories live. Discover now