01: meeting her

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"okay, deal! i'll tutor the student and you'll get me that internship." i confirmed with my professor as i shook his hand.

biopsychology wasn't a hard class and anything was worth it for another thing to add to my resume. the possibility of not getting into medical school was haunting me and i had to do my very best to make sure my nightmares weren't going to become my reality.

i got to my dorm after a long day of annoying classes and took a shower to calm myself down.

"i'm going to tutor someone and in return mr. hawker will get me that internship!" i exclaimed to my roommate, aatalia who happened to be my best friend as well.

"that's so exciting! who are you going to tutor though? i hope it's not one of those asshole football players. those guys need to be humbled." nat said as she walked around the dorm room.

"actually, i don't know. he really knew how to bribe me with the internship that i didn't even ask. oh god, i'm scared now." i said as i pulled up my macbook to check if i received the student information my professor said he would send.

"he sent the email... it's paige bueckers." i said as i remembered the blonde who was famous on campus.

"holy. she's very talented at basketball but i guess you can't be amazing at basketball and pass biopsychology. " said nat with a shrug.

"leave the poor girl alone, plus anyone is better than a football player. never again." i responded as i squirmed my face at the thought of the last guy i had attempted to tutor, he ended up kissing me without my consent.

on the email, professor hawker said the date of our tutoring session was already decided since he had conferenced us both separately in advance to make sure nothing clashed. and according to that email our next tutoring session was.. in 20 minutes!

"oh shoot! the first session is in 20 minutes, i have to get ready." i called to Nat who was focused on keeping up with the kardashians playing on her macbook.

i quickly did  a little bit of makeup and changed into some leggings and a hoodie then left. after some walking i arrived at the library and took a seat at an easily noticeable spot. i was 3 minutes early so i decided to take this time to take out my macbook and my biopsychology notes.

after getting set up, i noticed a tall blonde girl enter the library, she was wearing matching sweatpants and a zip up; UConn Huskies.

i got up and waved my hand as a hi, she quickly noticed as we made eye contact.

"hi, I'm zeynep, i'll be your tutor!" i said with a smile as i extended my hand out for a shake.

"i'm paige, nice to meet you. thanks for tutoring me." she said as she shook my hand with a small smile.

then we sat down and began discussing the topics she needed to work on. unfortunately for the both of us, it seemed like there was a lot to learn for paige and a lot to teach for me.

"well, it seems like we'll have a lot of tutoring sessions." i stated the fact as gently as i could, not wanting to seem like i was trying to offend her.

"yeah, that figures. sorry, i just don't get the class but i hate dropping classes." paige explained as she looked at the notes in front of her.

"no, it's completely fine with me, you're a very good student so far so I don't mind tutoring you." i tried to make a small joke to lighten up the mood a little.

paige suddenly looked up from the notes, the sudden eye contact we made caught me off guard as she shot me a sincere smile, making my heart race.

i quickly snapped out of it and smiled back at her.

"okay then we should be good for today." i said as i sat up straight.

paige agreed and helped me pack the study materials. suddenly my phone started ringing.

"sorry it's my roommate i have to take it." i explained.

"nah you're good." paige reassured.

"hi, what happened nat?" I asked to my best friend on the other line.

"hi! the girls found out they have a last minute test tomorrow for a class, they ditched me for cam's party. you have to come with me zeynep!" nat was practically begging.

"i have to study, i can't nat i'm sorry." i replied, earning me a sigh.

"please! Ii'll keep my side of the dorm clean for a whole entire month." nat added, she knew how to get me.

"fine. Is it the one that plays basketball?" i asked, trying to figure out which one of the many cams hosted the party.

"yes that cam, now I have to go get ready for the party. you better get your ass here now so we can get ready! i love you, bye!" nat said and hung up without giving me a chance to respond.

i looked up and saw paige staring at me.

"i have to go to this party with my friend." i explained.

"cam's party? i'm gong with a few friends, we should go together." paige said as she searched my face for an answer.

"okay, sure, that should be fun!" i said as i tried my best to sound calm.

paige decided to give me a ride after she found out i walked here. turns out her dorm building was right next to mine.

"i should probably get your number so i can text you when we are ready." i said with a small smile.

"okay sure." paige chucked.

what if she knew it was an excuse to get her number?

i brushed the thought away and got out of her car.

she stayed by the front until i got in. i turned back and waved to her before leaving.

i had to look good tonight.

a/n: another chapter will come today!

lessons on love- paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now