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It felt good to come into my home and see my wife and daughter cooking and dancing together in the kitchen to the 90's R&B playing on the Alexa speaker, especially after spending what felt like all day in the studio. I must have spent hours with Muni Long tweaking lyrics or scrapping them all together for this song I wrote for her called "Made For Me". When her team reached out to me to work with me, I had already been piecing the song together as a personal love letter to my wife, Kennedy, and I knew that Muni's voice would be perfect to bless my ballad. I can't wait for her to release it. I just know that it's going to be a hit. I'm psychic when it comes to predicting which songs I wrote will top the charts. There is no greater feeling than giving an artist a hit song. I love being a songwriter and the fact that I get to make so much money and network with so many celebrities off of my artistic passion, but there is no job on Earth that can beat being a mother and a wife, even more so when you're highly favored enough to have a wife and daughter like mine. I sat my bag down on the couch, going into the kitchen to join my beautiful little family.

Fantasia: You guys started a party without me?

Sarai: Hey, momma! I didn't even hear you come in. You know a party is never a party without you.

Sarai hugged me like she hadn't seen me in years, but she always hugs me like that and I love it. I wrapped both of my arms around her, kissing her head. Kennedy hugged me from behind, kissing my cheek. There's so much love and unrestricted affection within our little family. Sarai was a monumental blessing for me and Kennedy as individuals and as a unit. We were in our early 20's, 21 to be exact, when we adopted Sarai. It was a huge risk considering our age, but we both agreed that we were ready to be parents. We had so much love to give that we couldn't just share it with each other. We wanted to give some of our love to someone else who needed it. We were high school sweethearts and we had gotten married soon after graduation. Kennedy is all I've ever known, and I'm all she's ever known. We have had our struggles over the years as we grew from our 20's and developed into the women we were meant to be, and it felt like we were raising each other as we were raising Sarai. She was born in a prison, but she will never know that life. She's our daughter and her home is with us. Her adoption papers might as well be her birth certificate, because we're so close that I feel like I carried her for 9 months.

Kennedy: Hey, babe. How was the studio?

Fantasia: It was fun like always, but I was ready to get home to my girls.

Kennedy: I hope you didn't leave your appetite at work, because we're making chicken cheese rice with spinach.

Fantasia: Mmm that sounds really good. I'm
gonna wash up and help you guys.

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