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Karaoke night is not just an event. It's a party.

All of the demigods have converged in Calli's house, which has been stocked with snacks and a wide selection of soft drinks. The only one without a soda in their red plastic cup is Calli, who has a glass of wine in her grasp. Music plays through the house, reverberating in the walls, and making my eyeballs feel like they're shaking in my skull.

I've borrowed some of Calli's clothes, which all seem to be either red, black, purple, or leopard print. I'm not up to date on fashion trends, but I get a lot of compliments, which irritates me.

I want to hate Calli. I want to grab her and shake her and tell her how lucky she is that Leo loves her. I mean, he's goofy and sweet and totally obsessed with her. And she's pushing him away.

But I can't hate her. She's just so nice. And friendly. And Welcoming. And something about her makes me want to like her, and makes me desperate for her to like me. Besides, she has created this safe haven for demigods, and she treats them all like family. It's an incredibly kind act.

Leo and Apollo emerge form their room. Leo's eyes scan the living room. He glances at me and raises his eyebrows, making my heart flutter, but he quickly passes over me and settles his gaze on Calli, who is surrounded by her friends. The girl from before, Shelby, is at her side, along with Gio and Amber. Marc is there too, laughing at some story Calli is telling. The entire room seems to revolve around her, and she's not even trying.

Some kids are up on the elevated stage that Calli has built into her house, singing karaoke. Others are grouped around, talking and laughing.

I join Leo and Apollo just as Gio and a few other kids join them too.

Gio looks Leo up and down warily. He's only spoken to us in Italian, which none of us speak. Calli explained that he does that to all the new people. He's not a very trustworthy child.

"How do you know Calli?" He asks, his English covered with a heavy italian accent.

Leo blinks in surprise before answering. "Um, we met on a quest. I'm one of the demigods that went to Greece with her."

Gio and the other kids look amongst each other in confusion. "When did Calli go to Greece?"

Leo scoffs and rubs the back of his neck. "She never told you that story? She was part of the Great Prophecy. Eight demigods sailed to Greece to close the Doors of Death, fight the giants, and stop Gaea from waking."

Gio's eyes widen, along with all his companions. "You have to tell us the story."

I've heard bits and pieces of their adventure, but never the whole thing. We all sit in various chairs and cushions around him as he explains everything from the beginning. The longer he speaks, the more demigods join us, listening in and asking questions. He tells them about running into her in the sewer, and how she brought the giant Enceladus to his knees. He tells them about building the Argo II and their trip to Camp Jupiter, and sailing across the Atlantic. He's just telling them about how Calli tricked Chrysaor's men when Calli interrupts.

"And then she held out the can and said-"

"Behold, the horror of Diet Coke." She says.

The entire group turns to look at her, wide-eyed. "Why didn't you tell us about all this?"

Calli shrugs. "Not that big a deal."

Leo scoffs. "Yeah, okay."

"We want to hear the rest!" Gio insists. He's staring at Leo and Calli with such wide-eyed fascination that it must be impossible for Calli to say no.

She sighs and sits on the arm of Leo's chair, and the two of them tell the rest of the story.

By the time they're done, the entire party has come to a standstill to listen in.

"You died?" Amber asks Leo. "You're the one we were trying to rescue from the Underworld!"

Calli stands quickly. "That's enough of that. Who's up next for karaoke?"

Marc scoffs from beside her. "Karaoke after a story like that? Please. People have questions."

"No one has questions."

A dozen kids start speaking at once, with lots of questions.

Calli grits her teeth in frustration. "Fine."

"What did the poison taste like?"

"Spoiled apple juice."

"What do giants look like?"

"They're big, with lizard legs and dreadlocks and white eyes."

"Was Greece fun?"

"Not for demigods, it's overrun by monsters."

"Is Leo your boyfriend?"

Calli chokes and shifts uncomfortably. "He's my... ex-boyfriend."

Leo's shoulders slump slightly.

"Are they here on another quest?"


"Do they want you to go with them?"


"Are you going?"


"No?" Apollo whines. "Come on, Calli."

"No!" Gio cries, wrapping his arms around Calli tightly. "She's not going."

Calli gives us a pointed look, as if to say, See? I can't go. She strokes the back of Gio's head comfortingly. "I'm not going, Gio. It's okay."

"Gio." Leo tries. "This is important. We need her help."

"I don't care." Gio mumbles into her shoulder. "Calli can't leave."

Calli's eyes seem to tear up as she squeezes the little boy affectionately. "I'm not going anywhere." She gives us an almost apologetic glance.

Leo sighs heavily. "Well, I guess that's settled then. We'll be out of your hair first thing tomorrow."

Calli nods, though she does look just a tad disappointed. I have to admit, I'm not entirely excited to leave this little safehaven to go back to constant travelling, but we do need to go on with the quest.

"Well," Calli sighs. "I'll have supplies for you guys ready to go."

We all look around, the karaoke completely forgotten. Everyone is silent, afraid to break the heavy tension in the air.

Leo manages a smile. "Well, come on guys! Let's celebrate Leo's last night at the Cult of Dionysus!" He spreads his arms and offers a maniacal grin, which everyone responds to with a confused look.

"Alright." Marc clears his throat. "I think we should call the party early. I don't think anything can top that story."

Calli nods solemnly. "Yeah, you're probably right. Come on, everyone, let's go to bed."

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