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"So this is how you've been living," Yun remarked, her gaze sweeping across the study with an appraising eye.

Mia offered a slight shrug, her lips curving into a faint smile as she followed her friend's scrutiny. "It's certainly a far cry from the confines we've grown accustomed to, wouldn't you agree?"

Mia Bancroft, she had systematically immersed herself in the highest echelons of Singapore's elite social circles. She just was, known for nothing less than a success story.

Her natural poise and intelligence, coupled with the inherited business acumen of her fabricated backstory, had allowed her to ascend the ranks with remarkable swiftness.

Now, she presided over a thriving international import-export enterprise.

The gleaming office tower that housed her company's headquarters stood as a testament to her meteoric success, its lines and contemporary design a far cry from the oppressive austerity of her former prison confines.

Yun whistled lowly, trailing a finger along the polished edge of the antique desk as she circled the study. "I'll say, Princess. This whole setup is giving off some serious 'empire in the making' vibes." Her gaze landed on the janggi board, a ghost of a smirk playing across her lips. "Though I see you're still indulging in the finer strategic pursuits when you can."

"One must maintain a sense of balance amidst the chaos," Mia replied smoothly, gesturing for Yun to take a seat beside the game board. "The roles I inhabit now demand a degree of pragmatic foresight that janggi has proven quite conducive to honing."

" In simple terms?" Yun teased.

" I want to master staying a few steps ahead." Mia smiled lightly.

As if on cue, a polite rap sounded at the study door before Mia's assistant poked her head in once more.

"Apologies, Miss Bancroft, but you have that video conference with the Tanaka delegation in fifteen minutes. Shall I have them move it?"

Mia waved a dismissive hand, already rising from her seat with a shake of her head. "No need, Jenny. I'll be along directly." Her gaze slid towards Yun, softening slightly. "Unnie, would you be so kind as to wait here? I should hopefully be free again within the hour, and then we can catch up properly."

Yun nodded easily, leaning back in the plush armchair as she made herself at home. "You got it, Princess. I'll just...entertain myself while you go do your whole corporate mogul thing." She waggled her eyebrows playfully. "Try not to take over the world without me in the meantime, yeah?"

Chuckling under her breath, Mia turned on her heel and strode from the study, her assistant Jenny falling into step beside her as they made their way towards the conference room.

"I take it your...friend will be staying for a while?" the younger woman inquired delicately once they were out of earshot. "Shall I have the staff prepare a guest suite?"

Mia considered this for a moment before shaking her head. "Not just yet, but thank you Jenny. For now, please just ensure Yun is made comfortable and has whatever refreshments or amenities she requires while I'm occupied. She's..." She trailed off, searching for the right phrasing. "She's someone very dear who I haven't seen in far too long. I'd like to extend her every hospitality our household can provide."

Jenny dipped her head in acknowledgment. "Of course, Miss Bancroft. I'll see to it personally that your guest wants for nothing during her stay."

Satisfied, Mia offered the younger woman a grateful smile before squaring her shoulders and refocusing her attention on the meeting ahead. It was time to compartmentalize once more, shifting into the poised corporate persona that had become her latest mask to wear amongst the elite strata.

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