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Diaz's hands clenched into fists at her sides as she walked in to find Yura in the home. "What the hell are you doing here?"


Before Yura could say anything further, Sola came strolling in behind Diaz. "Easy. Don't go all murderous yet." She shot Yura an insincere smile. "Although I can't say I blame you if you did want to rip her lying head off. She lives here."

Diaz ignored Sola, her heated gaze boring into Yura as she took a step forward. "You're even worse than that bitch Soo-jin, you know that?" Her voice dripped with venom. "I lost my husband because of your shit!"

Tears sprang to Yura's eyes as she shrank back. "I never meant for any of this to happen, I swear..."

"Save it!" Diaz snapped. "I came to you asking for help! Begging you to assist my Hwan in finding a good job so we could support our family." Her chest heaved with each ragged breath. "And you...you led us right into that monster Yi's trap."

Yura opened her mouth, but Diaz barreled on relentlessly.

"You think because you're trying to make things right now that you deserve anything less than to be buried six feet under?" She shook her head slowly. "You deserve to be in the ground right along with that...that niece or whatever sick relation that bitch is to you!"

Sola watched the confrontation with a carefully neutral expression. When Yura remained silent, shrinking in on herself, she finally spoke up.

"As fun as this dramatic showdown is, maybe take it down a notch?" She nodded at Yura. "Way I see it, she seems to genuinely regret her part in our personal hell-spin. Doesn't make it right, but also doesn't make her deserving of your more...extreme punishments. "My point is we kinda need her alive... right now."

Diaz whirled on Sola, eyes blazing. "You're really going to defend this bitch after everything we've learned?"

But Sola held up her hands in a placating gesture. "I'm not defending her, just suggesting we don't stoop to Yi's level ourselves." She jerked her chin at Yura. "Let her try to make amends in a way that doesn't land the rest of us in hot water. Then you can kill her afterwards."

An uneasy silence fell over the room, punctuated only by Yura's soft sniffles. Finally, Diaz released a slow breath through her nostrils.

"You're lucky my friend here has a level head," she bit out at Yura. "Because you and I aren't done. Not by a long shot."

With that, she stormed back out, slamming the front door behind her hard enough to rattle the walls.

Sola watched her go, then turned back to Yura with an inscrutable look. "For what it's worth, she's not wrong. You did sort of shiv us all in the back with this whole Yi business."

Yura nodded shakily, swiping at her damp cheeks. "I know... I'm so sorry. There's no excuse, but I was just... I was trapped. Trying to protect—."

Sola's expression didn't waver. "By ruining others? That's some bullshit logic right there, but whatever." She shrugged and turned to follow Diaz's exit. "I'd get my shit in order if I were you. Because she isn't playing around. I could care less what she does to you after all this."

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