1 - Starting Out

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pov: Kyle

The morning sun flashed in my eyes as I slowly blinked awake. Suddenly, my room's door flung open with a loud bang as my roommate walked in.

"Wake up lazy." Jared commanded as he ripped my blinds open.

I covered my head with my pillow, "Nooo...go away."

Jared has been my best friend for 11 years, and nothing was going to change that. We met in elementary school, and have been inseparable since. 

He threw a pair of jeans and a hoodie at me, "It's late dude, how late were you playing ball yesterday?"

I groaned, "Man, I don't actually know..."

"Change," Jared chuckled and paused, "your class is in 15 minutes."

I sat up instantly, "Excuse me....what."

Jared threw my phone at me as I hopped out of my bed and began to change. Oh crap oh crap. I quickly finished changing and opened my phone, a lock screen of me and Amelia. She's so pretty... Wait what. I shook my thoughts off and looked at the time. 


Jared called out from the hall, "Get your ass over here, your class is at 11:00!" 

I grabbed my cross-body bag and sprinted out the door. 

"Dude, you almost missed the meet with your girlfriend," Jared teased. 

We stepped into the elevator, "Shut it before I punch you."

Jared snickered, "Sure you will."


The doors opened and Amelia waved, "Hey Kyle!"

I blushed heavily and waved back. Suddenly someone hit me in the head. 

"If you two are done making out with your eyes, I would like to go to my class." Kira glared.

Amelia blushed and shouted back, "We're not dating! He's just a friend!"

Kira scoffed, "Yeah, that's what they all say."

I laughed along with the group as we began out the door for our classes, but the phrase just a friend, rang in my ears for a bit. 

Jared waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me back to where we were. "Banzuela. We're taking off." 

"Hm? Oh yeah!" I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment. 

"I hope you don't daydream about Amelia during lectures too."

I sighed, "You are one annoying little!-"

Jared interrupted, "What? Go on, finish that sentence."

I groaned, "Never mind..."

"Right, Mr. goody two-shoes can't curse."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up man."

He scoffed, "You're coming to dinner at Kira's later right?"

"Oh, yeah," I paused, "I wouldn't want to miss her cooking."

"Whatever man," Jared nudged me as he lifted his hands over his head, "See you later."

Amelia waved our friends off and began to walk over to our first class. 

Amelia spoke up, "How'd you, Jared, and Kira play last night?" 

"Not bad, Jared dropped 12 and I had 17. Kira had this crazy block on Havish-" I paused, "You don't know what I'm talking about do you?"

Amelia broke out laughing, "Sorry, you looked grouchy and I wanted to cheer you up!"

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