3 - Tryouts

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pov: Kyle

1 Week Later


I awoke to my phone ringing. Who in their right mind calls someone at 6:30 AM on a Saturday? 

I picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"Kyle! Finally, you're gonna miss tryouts!"

I rubbed my eyes and replied groggily, "Who is this?"

"It's your basketball crew? Tryouts are in 30 minutes!"

I shot up and quickly hopped out of bed, hanging up the call. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before changing into a pair of black basketball shorts and grabbing a random hoodie. I rushed out of my room to find my water bottle fully filled as well as a note on it. 

Manvik and I are at tryouts (even though he can't make it) knew you were gonna sleep in, we filled your water bottle. from your favorite pookies (besides Amelia) Manvik & Jared <3

I laughed at the note before grabbing my water bottle and sprinting out the door. 


pov: Amelia

I grumbled as we sat down, "Sorry, why did you drag me out to the gym at 6:45?"

Kira laughed as she handed me a pouch, "Hey now, the rest of the crew is staying to watch your color-guard tryouts."  

"I never asked them to," I sighed, "What's this?"

"Breakfast. It's Kaya toast."

I gasped and opened the small container to find a small sandwich. I happily started munching on my sandwich. I watched as basketball players started pouring in, and Kira began to put on her shoes. I could only name Jared, so Kira carefully pointed them out to me.

"That's Manvik, that's Satya," Kira pointed her finger across the gym, "that's... Grant?"

Kira hopped down from the bleachers with a ball in hand. I carefully leaned in to listen to their conversation.  

Kira waved, "Grant? Who knew that you would be a basketball player?" 

Grant chuckled, "I've been practicing, gets me all the bitches."

Kira laughed and began to warm up on the other side of the basket. I watched as more players began to walk in. Suddenly, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

I turned around, "Hey!"

Kyle waved as he sat down, "Morning."

"Why are you here so late?" I laughed.

Kyle groaned, "I forgot to set an alarm."

"Hey Kyle!" someone called. 

The person sat down next to him, "Is this your girl? Nice to meet you, I'm Havish."

I blushed, "We're not dating! And nice to meet you too, I'm Amelia."

Havish put his shoes on, "Well, Mister Kyle and I have to go get chewed out by Assistant coach Kira, so we'll be off!"

Havish grabbed his ball and Kyle by the arm and ran out onto the court. 

Kira stepped up and started announcing, "Morning champs, coach is gonna be a bit late so I'm gonna help you guys warm up. If you have any questions, say your name and grade first."

Some kid raised his hand.

Kira pointed at him, "Yeah, what's up?"

"My name is Johnathan, I'm a senior, and why are you helping us if you're a college student as well?"

Kira snapped, "Great question, first of all, girls already had their tryouts last week and I made it and Coach Boyer and Coach Kuo chose me."

Someone else rose their hand.


 "My name is Tyler, I'm a freshman, and how come we have two coaches?"

"Coach Boyer is the main boys varsity coach," Kira yawned, "and Coach Kuo is the varsity basketball defense coach."

Kyle rose his hand. 

Kira snapped her head in his direction, "What."

"I'm Kyle, senior, what is your relationship with Coach Kuo and Coach Boyer to be chosen?"

Kira sighed, "Coach Kuo is my older sister and Coach Boyer is a friend from middle school."

Kira pulled out her phone.

"Alright, coach is 15 minutes away and if we aren't stretched and ready, coach will make us all run. Let's go!"


Tryouts were over, and after being confused for one and a half hours, watching people dunk, and listening to boys grunt, Kira finally came back.

Kira sat down and grabbed her water bottle, "Hey champ. Doesn't color guard tryouts start soon?" 

I grumbled, "Yeah..."

Havish put his arm over Kira, "We'll be cheering you on!"

"Hey! Cut it out!" Kira shouted at Havish. 

Havish winked at me and walked off while dragging Kira behind him. Kyle walked over shortly after. 

Kyle sighs, "Hey."

"How'd you do?" I asked.

Kyle laughed, "Didn't you watch?"

I rubbed my hand behind  my head, "I did but I don't understand anything." 

Kyle chuckled, "Alright, I gotta go to the crew, see you at dinner."

I waved by and began pulling my dance clothes out of my bag. I walked over to the bathroom and changed into a comfortable light pink dance dress with shorts underneath, and then walked out to begin stretching. I heard someone call my name, and looked up to see Grant. 

He waved, "Hey Amelia!"

"Hey Grant. Are you gonna stay to watch color guard too?"

Grant chuckled, "Wouldn't want to miss it! I'll be up there with Kira."


Coach shouted, "Let's go ladies, I don't have all day!"


Tryouts were finally over, and everyone had left. We have a dinner tonight anyways so it's not like I didn't get to say goodbye. I packed up my stuff and walked out the gym. Gosh, I don't remember it saying that it was going to snow today. I lightly shivered and began my walk back to my dorm. Suddenly, I felt a light tap and on my back. I turned around quickly to see Grant standing there, holding his beige jacket out for me.

He smiled, "Here Amelia, you look like you need it more than I do."

I blushed, "O-oh, I don't need it, I'm sure you need it too."

"No," Grant pushed his jacket toward me, "I live 3 minutes from here. You live 15."

I chuckled and grabbed his jacket and put it on slowly, "Thanks, I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, you bet. And take this." Grant said as he handed me a small slip of paper and walked away.

I waved and turned around back on the path to Kira's house. I carefully opened the note to find a number and a note. Call me! <3  I giggled and lightly blushed before continuing my walk. 




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