6 - Lights Out

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pov: Kyle

I dragged Manvik, Havish, and Jared out the door alongside their bags. We quickly sprinted down the stairs and loaded our things into the first golf cart that was there. Then, I heard sudden shouting coming from the stairwell.


I turned around to see Abbey face flat on the floor.

Abbey quickly got up and turned around, "What the hell... is your problem!"

Amelia walked past me with all of their bags, "Thanks for the warning Kyle."

I grabbed a bag out of her hand, "I'll help."

"Derek!" Abbey shouted behind Amelia, "Get your boyfriend to stop attacking me!"

"No! He's doing the right thing!" Derek protested.

I loaded the last bag into the cart, "Done!"

The campus aid called out, "Alright let's get going! I don't have time for you and your youngin' shenanigans."

Manvik, Havish, Jared and I got into one golf cart as Ashton, Abbey, Amelia, and Derek got into the other.

The campus aid turned to me, "Where to? The blizzard protection area or do you have someone?"

I showed her the address of Kira's dorm and she nodded her head as we started to drive off. About two minutes later, we had arrived. I got out of the cart and was quick to grab everyone's bag and rushed to escort everyone into Kira's house. 

Kira closed the door behind her, "Whew, alright, glad you guys could make it."

Kira looked at everyone and paused, "Who the fuck invited Derek."

Ashton rose his hand, "I did!" 

Kira sighed, "Oh of course you did, okay so I don't think I have enough rooms for everyone so you're gonna have to share with someone."

I placed down my bags and took a seat on the couch. Abbey and Kira discussed something for a little while before regrouping with everyone.

Abbey turned around, "Okay so we've figured this out. Ashton is with Derek, Manvik with Havish and Jared, me on the couch, and Amelia and Kyle. Cool?"

Wait. Me and... Amelia? Overnight? That is not cool. Not cool!

Manvik picked up his stuff, "Cool."

"Wait, me and Amelia?"

Amelia raised her hand, "Yeah, why are we the only boy and girl together?"

"The room you guys are in has two beds." Kira pointed, "Down the hall, take a left then a right."

I shrugged and grabbed my stuff, Amelia trailing not too far behind me. Ashton and Derek went into the downstairs room, Abbey crashed on the couch, and Manvik, Havish, and Jared went into the room down the hall. Amelia and I walked into our room and saw two double beds sitting next to each other with a small lamp desk thingy in the middle.

"Also the AC is broken so stay warm please!" Kira called out.

I laughed, "That's annoying."

I sat down on the bed and put an extra hoodie on, and wrapped myself in a warm blanket. I looked over at Amelia who was shivering lightly. 

I chuckled, "Cold?"


I walked over and gave the other hoodie I was wearing. 

She snickered, "Damn, I keep stealing your hoodies."

"It's fine."

Suddenly, the lights flickered out. 

Manvik called down the hall, "Kira?"

Kira walked down the hall with a flashlight, "Alright, lights out here too, gather in the living room."

I dragged myself down the hall with a blanket covering me.

Havish grumbled, "It's so cold."

Ashton groaned, "We got here to get somewhere safer and warmer, not colder with more people."

Derek leaned on his shoulder, "Tired..."

Kira dragged out some LED lanterns and turned them on. She also laid out some mattresses on the living room floor, and told us to settle in. I sat down on a portion of the couch and laid down my stuff. Then, screaming was heard from the stairs. I quickly rushed up the stairs and saw Amelia on the floor.

Kira shouted, "AMELIA!"

"Ow.." Amelia grumbled.

Kira propped her into a seated position and looked at Amelia's foot.

"Manvik!" She called, "Get your doctor ass over here!" 

Manvik ran over with a bag of ice and a small medical pouch. He carefully inspected Amelia's foot and wrapped it in some sports tape. Manvik then placed the ice on her foot and told her something before standing up.

Manvik looked at me, "I need you to carry Amelia down stairs."

"Why me? Can't you or Havish do it or something?" I protested.

Manvik scrambled around and fake fell, before signaling Havish to come over and carry him.

Manvik pointed to himself, "Havish is carrying me."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Amelia. I carefully scooped her up, holding her in a bridal style almost. I began to carefully walk down the stairs, making sure to watch my steps.

Amelia grumbled, "Ow..."

I laughed, "What happened?"

"I was putting on your hoodie and I slipped..."

I carefully put her in my spot on the sofa. 

"Rest, it's been a long day."

I heard whispering coming from behind me.

Abbey wriggled her eyebrows, "My ship is moving faster than yours Ashton~"

Ashton punched her lightly, "Shut up."

Kira stormed out, "Go to bed before I make you."

I watched as Manvik and Havish laid on the floor, Jared not too far away. Ashton and Derek curled up next to each other and Abbey was still asleep on the couch.

"Wait where do I sleep?" I asked.

Kira shrugged and walked off. I sighed and looked around. I suppose sleeping next to her shouldn't be that bad... I blushed heavily and laid down next to Amelia, facing away from her. She was still shivering, so I gave her my blanket and stood up.

I listened to the wind tap on the windows, rustling of the bed sheets, and... scraping?

I walked over and looked around the door. There was a package outside and a pair of glass cutters. I looked around and listened closely for this... thing. I heard more rustling and then I saw someone running away. I quickly snapped a picture of them. Who the hell is around someones dorm at 11 PM during a blizzard? I walked back over to Amelia and laid down. I carefully inspected the photo in hopes of figuring out who that was. I zoomed in once, twice, three times and noticed something odd in the photo. That jacket... is Grant's.


woo what a cliffhanger

0( . , . )0 

A Million Times AgainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora