2 - Dinner Party

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pov: Kyle

I walked back from my class and back into our dorm. The walls were painted a comforting color of sage, and the furniture was white and gold. 

"Jared! I'm back!" I called out. 

Jared yelled from down the hall, "Okay!" 

Suddenly, Manvik popped out from around the corner.

He waved, and stood directly above me, "Hey there, shorty." 

I glared at him, "I'm literally only 5'3."

Manvik laughed, "You've only got 5 inches to catch up on."

"Whatever, it's nice to see you again. Where did you come from, Harvard, right?" I asked.

Manvik chuckled, "I literally live 1.3 miles from here."

I walked over to the couch and flopped over. 

I yawned, "Who knew that professor Toon could be that difficult to deal with."

Jared shouted from down the hall, "Go get ready for dinner Kyle! It's already 5:12, we walk over in 10!"

I groaned, "Gimme a minute..."

"Manvik?" Jared called from down the hall, "drag his ass over here."

Without skipping a beat, Manvik proceeded to grab my legs and forcefully drag me over to my room. 

"Wow Kyle, thanks for coming over! I didn't think you would listen!" Jared exclaimed sarcastically.

I stood up and dusted myself off, "Yeah no problem Jared."

"Get yourself ready, I don't know, do your hair or some shit." Jared explained as he walked out the door, dragging Manvik behind him.

I slammed the door and took my bag off, changing into a long-sleeved shirt and putting a dress shirt over it. I grabbed a cream-colored tote bag and opened my door. 

"I'm ready to go." I called out. 

Manvik walked out, "Come on, let's go." 

I paused after hearing that, "Wait."

I ran over to my bedroom bathroom and checked my hair.

"Okay I'm ready," I declared once more.

Jared chuckled as he opened the door and began our hike to Kira's, whose house was all the way across campus.


Manvik commented, "Damn, Kira's dorm is hella nice." 

Jared sighed, "Yeah, she has some sort of business internship thingy."

"Can't believe they gave her a whole ass house for it." I grumbled. 

Jared stepped up to her house and knocked. Shortly after, Kira opened the door, wearing a pair of white cargo pants and a beige sweater.

Kira waved, "Hey champs, welcome!"

She paused, "Manvik? The man, myth, and the legend? The kid who managed to grow to 5'8?"

Manvik laughed, "You betcha," 

"Come on in, hopefully my food can blow away your Harvard standards." She said sarcastically.

"Thanks!" Manvik called out as he walked in.

"Hey!" Kira stopped him, "no shoes."

Manvik took his shoes off and raised his hands up, guilty. Jared followed him in, making sure to take off his shoes as well. 

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