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pov: Kyle

I walked home with Jared, Manvik, and Havish, who was going to stay at our dorm until the dinner party. The four of us walked in silence as we watched the snow fall around us.

Manvik broke the silence, "So, are you gonna make the first move?"

I replied, caught rather off guard, "W-what?"

Havish leaned on Manvik's head, "Yeah, we can all tell you're into her and she's into you."

"Hey!" Manvik shoved Havish's arm off, "Quit flexing that you're 3 inches taller than me!"

I blushed hard as we opened the door to our complex. I opened the door and clicked the elevator button. 

"Dude, I heard you had a bloody nose at the mock ball. Is that true?" Havish snickered.

"Wait that's not what-" I was cut off.

Jared interrupted me, "It's so true! He looked at Amelia and had a bloody nose." 

Manvik fell on Jared dramatically, "Oh, you're so pretty, my blood pours out for you."

"Shut the fuck up," I said as I snapped my head around. 

Jared chuckled as he opened our door and flopped onto the couch. 

"Damn," Havish looked around, "you guys got a nice place!"

"What does yours look like, a dump?" Jared snickered.

Havish  sighed, "No, just like the size of your kitchen."

We all laughed in unison, before the room fell into silence. 

"Wanna order Wing Stop?" Manvik said while flashing his credit card.

Havish sat up, "Hell yeah."


Jared called, "Dude, why are you always late!"

I quickly threw on a comfortable crew neck from last basketball season. 

"I don't know." I grumbled, "Give me 5 minutes!"

Havish groaned, and began stomping down the halls. 

I looked down the hall and called out, "What are you doing?" 

Suddenly, I felt something grab my collar and drag me backward.

I shouted, "HEY!"

Havish shouted through his struggles, "MANVIK! GRAB HIS FEET!"

About a second later, I heard foot stomps down the hall and my feet were suspended in the air a minute later. 

Manvik celebrated, "HAHA WE CAUGHT A KYLE!"

Jared laughed, "Alright, lets head over."

Still suspended in the air, I asked, "Um, can you guys put me down?"

Havish chuckled, "No."


We made it to Kira's house, and Havish and Manvik finally decided to put me down. 

I complained, "Ughh, my head hurts."

Jared knocked on the door, "Stop complaining."

Kira opened the door, "Hey guys! Come on in, we're just waiting for the results from coach."

We all walked in, taking off our shoes behind us. The rest of the group that tried out for some form of sport was sitting on the couch, drinking.

EJ waved, "Hey!"

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