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You were so upset.
You hated fighting with your favourite person.

You had accompanied the triplets to a meet and greet event where you had seen Matt be 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 friendly with some girls around your guys' age.

You knew he wasn't doing it on purpose but it still hurt your feelings and you hated yourself for your petty view of things.
Seeing their conversations continue, Matt getting hit by them playfully, laughter filling the room, had made your mood take a turn for the worse and you didn't want to show yourself up so you just went on your phone, scrolling through Instagram.

"Hey, y/n" he said, leaning down to give you a peck on the cheek, "we've met a really cool girl and we were thinking about inviting her to come to dinner with us?"
You couldn't say no, well, it seemed like their minds had already been made up, as the girl, Chris and Nick stood by the door, waiting expectantly, "sure" you smiled, trying to convince everyone, including your self that you didn't mind.

"One second, I just need to grab something, go ahead" you quickly got your purse from the other room and left.

As you walked to the car you saw the girl sitting in the front, next to Matt, where you or Chris usually sit.
When you got in nobody said anything about it so you thought you were just going insane and you did 𝘯𝘰𝘵 want to be one of those crazy girls that doesn't let their boy friend look at another female.

You felt so much relief when Nick gave you a look, darting his eyes between you and the girl, discreetly as you both spoke in your own language.

"By the way I'm Kate, you're y/n?" You nodded,
"Yeah I-"
"You're Matt's girl best friend, right? Cos that's literally me too, we're so alike" she did this fake, sweet laugh.

You could tell she was trying to get under your skin, by interrupting you and dropping the most slight insults and it really did make you want to cry with frustration.

"I'm actually his gir-"
"Cool, sameeeee sis" she laughed again with that wide smile as you gave in and fake smiled with her, blood bubbling underneath your hot skin.

That was basically the whole evening, the conversation went on like that, from the car, to the restaurant, to driving her home.

You didn't even know if you could call it a conversation as she interrupted you every time you opened your mouth.

When you got home, you went straight upstairs, feeling drained after that tiring day out.
You buried yourself in your bed and tried to calm down, maybe even go to sleep at this point.

"Hey, beautiful" Matt came up to you and moved a bit of your hair that was covering your eyes, you met his cute smile with a not so cute blank expression.
"What's wrong?"
"I dunno ask Kate"

He looked at you confused for a second, "what do you mean?" You looked at him, hurt, he was completely unaware of how you were feeling.
"It doesn't matter" you mumbled.
"No tell me, what is it?"
You sighed, "I've barely spoken to you all day and she was all over you, also, when I was trying to be nice to her she kept on interrupting everything I said and you didn't even notice." You rambled.

"That's not my fault." He said, his voice raised a bit.
"Maybe not but the fact that you didn't notice it is." Your voiced raised like he did, slightly louder than his last sentence.
"Sometimes I don't feel like looking after you all the time, ok?"

That hurt.

Matt knows how much of a sensitive person you are and has always been understanding of that. You looked at him in disbelief for a second, tears welling up in your eyes as you grabbed some things and started going to Nick's room, which was empty as him and Chris were having a sleepover.

"wait, y/n" Matt called through the door.
"No, please just leave me alone" you said, voice aching as you tried to hold back tears, at least until you were had reached the top of the stairs.

The whole night you couldn't get to sleep, you always struggled to sleep in Nick's room, his silk sheets didn't comfort you like you would expect.

After 5 restless hours of begging your body to let you sleep, you finally gave in and went to the living room, climbing onto the couch.

You were cold because you didn't have a blanket but at least you were slightly more comfortable than before.

You woke up back in bed, alone.
Was that whole thing a dream? You started questioning yourself until you saw the bedside table, you reached towards it and grabbed the note.


I thought you would want to be
alone and sorry for moving you but
you were shivering, also, could we talk
later, I have some things to say?

Matt x

You got ready, nothing special, just some sweats and before walking out into the living room, you took a deep breath and prepared yourself.

What you didn't prepare yourself for was seeing Matt sat on the couch, looking like he was putting things into something beside him.

"Hi" you said awkwardly as you approached him.
He patted the space next to him and you joined him, seconds later.

"Hey, you sleep well?" He asked
"Yeah, after you moved me, thank you by the way" you hated the tension in the air, you wanted it to be over and done with, which is why you were glad when he looked into your eyes, with an ashamed expression.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. For all of it, for not noticing she was flirting with me, for not telling her to let you finish speaking, for not checking up on you when I should've done, and most of all I'm sorry for what I said about taking care of you" he paused for a second, "none of it was true, I'm so annoyed at myself for saying it"

You just looked at him unsure of what to say, that was a lot.
"It's ok" you said.
"It is?" He asked.
"Yeah, just never pull that shit again." He smiled at you before flinging his arms around you, holding on tightly,
"I love you, and I swear it won't happen again, I never want to hurt you" he kissed your hair.

"I love you more" you replied, smiling big.
"Nuh uh"
"Yuh huh"
That continued for a while until he finally broke that topic, ""by the way, I got these" he said as he moved his hand to the side of the sofa, grabbing a bag which had all your favourite snacks and drinks in it.
"Ok see 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 is why I love you more" you laughed.

Author's Note ::

It's literally 1 am I have to be up at 7 😭 anyways I hope you enjoyed, any requests in the comments please, have a nice day/night, byeee I love you all 🤍

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