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Author's Note ::

Heyy guys sorry for not updating yesterday, I fell asleep! Also I had a vaccination earlier so my arm's really numb so this might be shorter than usual, sorry if it is but I hope you enjoy, you and Matt are dating in this one btw bye <3

You laughed, holding your drink as you danced with your friends, unaware of the attention you were catching.

Taking small sips from your cocktail, you looked down at it, seeing the glass was nearly empty.
You groaned.
"What's up?" You best friend asked.
"Need another drink, wanna come?" You looked for money in your purse but when you glanced up to get her answer she was already lost in dancing drunkenly again.

You sighed and went over to the bar, alone.
Yes you knew it wasn't the best choice but it was only across the room from your friends.

Sitting on a stool awaiting your order, you look down at your phone.

3 missed calls from "Matt 🤍"

You nearly dropped your phone in shock when it rung for a 4th time.
Selecting the green phone icon, you put your phone to your ear.

"Hii Matt" you slurred, giggling.
"Hey y/n, you okay?"
"Of course I am, I'm just getting another drink" you started laughing more, he sounded so funny.

There was a silence for a minute or so until you spoke up again.
"Oo my friends are talking to some guys I want to make friends too"
"What? Don't go up to random men at bars."
"Whyy" you whined innocently.
Matt sighed, "nothing, I'm coming to get you though."
"Ok bye Mattyyyy I love youuuu" laughing uncontrollably again and this time Matt chuckled too.

"I love you more. See you soon, stay safe my love"
You grabbed your drink which was now waiting for you on the counter and walked back to your friends.

"Heyyy" as you walked to the group, you saw one of the men they were with staring at you quite a bit and even through your blurry thoughts you still felt a bit uneasy by it but you just brushed it off.
He probably just liked your dress?

Soon, your friends started going back to the dance floor as you sipped your drink, sat at the table, only you and this random guy remaining.

"So" he sat down, opposite you, "I'm Joe, how about you, pretty?"
You cleared your throat, "y/n"
You smiled politely at him, hoping he'd leave.

"Oh my god, your friend Olivia just did the splits" he laughed, looking over your shoulder at the dance floor, which you turned to.
Not seeing anything you looked back, just in time to see something plop into your drink and his hand quickly move away.

You might've been drunk out of your mind but you weren't that dumb.
So that's why you avoided taking another sip of it by "accidentally" spilling it all over him.

"Oh, my bad, sorry" you passed him a napkin.
He just smiled at you, grabbing the napkin and placing it back in your hand, "could you help me clean this up?"

You looked him up and down, seeing the wet patch went from under his chest, to the pocket of his jeans.
"Um, no I'm sorry, I've got to go I'm getting picked up soon." Pretending to look at the time, you smile at him awkwardly.

His face changed, looking slightly bothered by your statement.
"Well just help me and then leave." He looked up at you,
"Is that too much to ask, darling?" He spat his words out and you were getting scared so without another thought you got up from your chair, turning to leave but restricted by a tug at your wrist, holding it with a strong grip.

"Excuse me, you should be coming home with me?" He scoffed, which was met with a hand slamming into his face by a tight fist.
You watched as his chair tipped over and the man fell to the ground, turning to see Matt.

"Oh my god" you breathed shakily, throwing your arms around him.
He instantly held you and stroked your hair, "shh, it's ok I've got you, you're ok".

You both got out of there as soon as possible, the drive home silent.

When you were back, you took off your makeup and entered yours and Matt's bedroom.

"Hi" you said quietly.
"Hey" he put his notebook down and looked at you as you clambered onto the bed next to him, sitting legs crossed.

"I'm so sorry." He shot you a confused expression, "I really shouldn't have gone over to those guys I should've just asked you to pick me up then it was dumb".

Matt's face softened, "it's not your fault sweetheart" he reached for your leg, hand running up and down your thigh reassuringly as he spoke.

"That guy was a creep and would've probably tried something anyways, don't blame yourself"
He grabbed the side of your face and kissed the top of your head.
"I'm just glad you're ok." He looked down at you and you both smiled.

He pulled you closer and you both settled into the bed.
"Thank you for protecting me" you smiled up at him.
"Anything for you my love"
"You know.. that punch was kinda hot" you smirked at your boy friend.

"You're so weird" he tutted as he leaned in for a kiss, which you met desperately, as Matt was one of your many drunken cravings.

Author's Note ::

Sorry about the describing of being drunk btw, I've never experienced it so I didn't want to go into too much detail and be wrong!
Anywayssss, hope you enjoyed, leave requests in the comments please, have the best day/night everrrrr and I love you all byeeeee <3

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