Chapter 8: Boredom in marriage

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It has been two weeks since Robert left that evening at the dinner with his parents and he hasn't returned home since then. Madison was worried about him for the first few days, what if something had happened to him? His phone number wasn't going through, he was basically nowhere to be found.

She had reached out to his parents who assured her that he was probably fine so she had no choice but to give up her worries. But she couldn't refuse the fact that she was absolutely bored in this big mansion with austere staff. She was given two weeks off at her workplace for honeymoon but here she was, with no honey in her room. Her so-called husband had disappeared into thin air and the staff wouldn't engage her in any out of work activities or conversations. She felt lonely.

And to add to that, Dana and her wicked mother has been postponing her payment increasing Madison's annoyance. They keep giving one excuse or the other even after she assured them that she won't run away. She was very frustrated and she didn't know what to do, so she could only pray they quit their games.

Well, today she resumed work and she was happy to be working again after a boring two weeks ‘honeymoon’. She stepped out of the house in full corporate wear and was about to walk out of the compound when Maximus rushed to her.

“Please ma'am, let me take you to work. It's what I'm paid for” Maximum said in a pleading tone.

“Not today please, I would like to take public transport” Madison waved him off immediately, she was in no mood to use the car provided to her by Robert and she also didn't want to bring more attention to herself at work. It was already everywhere that she married a billionaire, it would be even more dramatic if she showed up with a sleek expensive car and a personal driver.

She was about to pass when Maximus blocked her road a little with his head bowed slightly, “Please ma'am, young Mr. Salvatore will be angry with me if I don't drive you” he said.

“Angry? How would he know when he hasn't been seen for the past two weeks?” Madison said irritatedly. She was in no good mood and the mention of her absent husband worsened it.

Maximus didn't say anything, he just kept his head bowed. He felt pity for her, all the staff did. She was a newlywed whose husband had refused to come home, he could understand her frustration.

“You know what? I actually want him to find out and be angry, maybe that will bring him out from his hiding place” She added before storming out. This time Maximus didn't stop her.

She took the bus and while she was waiting to reach her destination, her phone rang. She checked the ID and it was Morrison, she sighed and let it ring without picking. Morrison was her best friend, they have known each other for years, he was a really good friend and would help her financially if he could. She didn't want to pick his call because she felt like a bad friend, she didn't inform him of her decision to marry Robert Salvatore and now she didn't know how to break it to him. Although by now, he must have already known through the news or something, she didn't want to face him just yet.

She arrived at the building where she worked as a customer service and immediately she stepped in, her co-workers swarmed around her with congratulations on her marriage. She had to force a smile and return the well wishes.

“What is Madison doing here? I thought she would quit after getting married to that filthy rich man”

“I thought so too. Such a good digger, why is here now, to prove that she is a saint?”

“She always act like she is better than everyone else but she goes ahead to marry a billionaire out of the blue. Shameless!”


Conversations like these was what co-workers gossiped as they resumed work, Madison could hear some and she tried her best to ignore It while working. She didn't blame them, it was because they were unaware of her predicament that's why they made up crazy assumptions.

Few hours later, she signed out of work and left to the hospital to check on her sister. Her condition was getting worse and she needed full attention, this made Madison even more guilty that she failed in getting money to treat her sister.

As she arrived at the ward her sister was placed. The wide door opened to show an unconscious Mandy been wheeled out with a stretcher by a couple nurses and a doctor. Joyce, Madison's mother was seen crying profusely and calling out Mandy's name. After the initial shock, Madison was jerked awake by their mother's sobbing and she rushed after the stretcher.

“Mom?... What's going on where are they taking Mandy to?” She asked desperate with a shaky voice.

Joyce was too occupied with crying looked up to see Madison, she rushed to her and hugged her, “I don't know what happened, she was sleeping one minute and jerking violently the next minute. I had immediately called the nurses but she fell unconscious and have refused to wake up. Maddie I'm scared… what if, what if…” she stammered while tears rolled down her eyes like a waterfall.

Madison was already crying now, she didn't want anything to happen to her sister but she knew she had to be strong for her mother so she wiped her tears and hugged her mother tighter, “It's okay mama, everything is going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen to Mandy, she's a strong girl… don't you trust her?” Madison asked.

“I do, I do… my strong baby girl” Joyce answered back.

They followed the stretcher till they got to the surgery theatre where they were told not to go in so they anxiously waited for news. They sat together with Madison's head on Joyce's lap who combed through her slowly. They bought stared at nothing, lost in their own thoughts with worry etched into their faces. Madison felt like the world to unfair to her and her family because her father was a rich man and her husband was one as well but yet here they were, struggling to make ends meet. They were surrounded by money they couldn't touch and it was so unfair to them.

Few hours later, the surgery threatre's door pushed open and Madison and her mother rushed to receive the anticipated news about Mandy.

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