Chapter 14: Forever contract

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Maximus drove Madison to her father's house the following day. She had made up her mind to end up the marriage contract with Robert but before that, she wanted to confirm with her father to make sure it won't affect his business in any way. She may not like him for what he did to her mother but that didn't mean she would want his business to go bad. He was still her father after all.

She arrived at his house that morning and walked into the house. The place was quiet, seemed like Dana and her mother were not at home to which Madison was very relieved. She couldn't handle their jeering and wanted to avoid them at all cost.

“Dad?” she called out.

Jacob's study room door opened, and Jacob's eyes widened in surprise to see Madison at his house so early in the morning, “Madison, what are you doing here so early? Is Mandy alright at home?” he asked concerned.

Madison was perplexed about his sudden concern for Mandy. She was in the hospital for months and he never came to visit. “No, she's fine. No offense but why are you suddenly so concerned about us?” she could stop herself from asking anymore, the question had been on her mind since he appeared at their door yesterday.

“Come in” He gestured and left the door ajar.

Madison walked into his study and sat down on the couch while Jacob sat down on a separate chair.
“You do know that you hurt mom and us very deeply, most especially mom” Madison added when she was yet to get a response from him.

“I know, I have made a lot of mistakes that I'm trying to atone for. I just need time” he said, his voice sounded remorseful and sad.

Madison stared at him for a while, not sure of what to say. She knew he was right when he mentioned time because only time could heal all wounds. She didn't want to advise him or tell him what or what not to do, he should learn his mistakes and fix them himself.

“So, why did you come to see me so early?” he asked in a lighter tone, obviously trying to change the topic.

Madison cleared her throat a little, she didn't know how to put the words right, how the hell do you tell your father that you want to end a three week old marriage?

“I want to end the marriage with Robert” she blurted out, uneasy.

Jacob relaxed more into his chair, he didn't look surprised like he expected it. He just remained quiet for a few seconds then sighed deeply and asked, “May I know why you want to divorce?”

“I don't think I can cope with being in a loveless marriage for the rest of my life. When I agreed, I was desperate because of my sister but now that she's fine, I have had a rethink” she confessed.

“How has Robert been treating you?

Madison paused to gather her words before saying, “Horribly. I haven't seen him for the past three weeks, the last time we spoke, he treated me coldly”

Jacob contemplated for a moment, the air was unnerving especially for Madison. She wondered what father would say.

“First of all, I'm really very sorry for putting you through this. The business was facing huge problems that I couldn't bypass. I had no other choice, honestly…”

“What is it?” She cut him off and inquired. Madison felt like a storm was coming after the apology and it made her very impatient.

“You can't end the marriage with Robert, I'm afraid” he said after another deep sigh.

“What do you mean? I don't understand” Madison asked in confusion.

Jacob paused for a moment before continuing, “The contract you signed with him wasn't just an ordinary marriage contract, it's a forever contract”

“Forever contract?” Madison asked, she thought she didn't hear him well.

“Yes my dear, a forever contract means you can not end the marriage. It is forever”

Madison fell back on the couch weakly, tears welled up in her eyes, and her head was a mess. She was really stuck with Robert all her life whether she liked it or not. She didn't like it at all, she could already imagine how she would never experience a marriage full of love like the ones she always admired outside.

Jacob watched her in pity, he didn't know how to console her when he was the reason she was in such a situation in the first place. “I'll try and talk to George so he can speak to his son. It would be bearable if he treated you right at least” he said after some minutes of silence.

Madison didn't say anything, she just stood up from the couch like a lifeless robot and walked out of the study room. No matter how many times her father called her, she didn't answer or stop. She just kept dragging her legs out of the house, her mind deep in despair.

When she came out of the gate, her phone rang and she dazedly picked it and brought it to her ear.

“Hello dear, this is Helen, George's wife and Robert's stepmother. Am I speaking to Madison?" A familiar cheerful voice said from across the call.

Madison's eyes widened in surprise that her mother in law was calling her, “Yes. Good morning ma” she greeted

“A good morning to you too sweetheart. I was wondering if you could come over to my house this morning. I hope I'm not disturbing you?” she said.

Madison was in no mood to meet with anyone especially because of the news she just received but she found herself saying, “No, no you're not at all. I would love to come over”

“Great, I'll be expecting you” The older woman replied happily and hung up.

Madison sighed and almost facepalmed herself, she didn't know why she agreed. Well, there was no running away from this union, she might as well go along with it.

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