Chapter 18: Robert meets Mandy

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Madison quickly hid the glass case she bought in her bag when she sighted Robert's car parked right outside her office building. She had gone out on her break to get him one to replace the one he lost, she wanted to surprise him with it. She had closed from work and was surprised to see Robert outside waiting for her.

She was pleased that he came on time, she felt nervous about taking him home, Mandy was seeing him for the first time after all.

“I hope you didn't have to wait for too long?” Sha asked as she approached his car.

“No, just arrived” Robert answered and he stretched to open my other side of the door, “Andddd, I got this fixed too” he added

Madison nodded and got into the car. He began driving while Madison gave him directions. 15 minutes later, they arrived at Madison's family house. Robert parked in front of the house and they both got down, while Madison went ahead to call the attention of her mom and sister. Robert brought out the flowers, wine and chocolate he bought from the back seat.

Madison felt her heart warm up at the sight of those items, she didn't know he bought something for her family. Her impression of him went through the roof with that one. “I didn't know you bought gifts,” she said.

Robert grunted and rolled his eyes with his blank face on, “It's basic courtesy” he said.

Just as Madison was about to say something, Joyce and Mandy opened the door with beaming faces.

“Hello, Robert, nice to finally meet you” Mandy said first with a grin and offered her hand for a handshake.

Everyone laughed at her boldness and her mother gave her a small smack at her arm, “Mandy, it's Mr. Salvatore to you, where are your manners?” she scolded lightly.

“It's no worries, Robert is fine” Robert interrupted with a small smile and Mandy muttered a “See” to her mom.

“I didn't want to come empty handed so I bought these” Robert said and presented the bottle of wine to Joyce and the get well-soon flowers and chocolates to mandy.

“You didn't have to… thank you very much” Joyce said.

“Thank you, Robert” Mandy said as well with a wide grin.

“Please come in, come in,” Joyce added before opening up the pathway to the living room. Robert and Mandy went in first, but before Madison could follow up, her mother stopped her,

“What is it mom?” She asked her while looking at the duo that was sitted and chatting happily.

“What's going on? This isn't the rebellious husband you complained about, how did he even agree to come here?” Joyce questioned curiously.

Madison smiled and answered, “I was surprised as well, it was all him, ma. All I did was tell him Mandy hadn't seen him yet. Perhaps we thought we knew him before but we didn't”

“Look at you, your face is glowing. I hope you are not falling in love with him already” Joyce teased her daughter with a small smile.

“Mum! Stop, he's going to hear you” Madison hushed her while her cheeks got even redder.

“But my dear, I still want you to be careful. Remember how he pretended at the wedding to be a nice guy and later showed you his true self after he got what he wanted. I don't want you to get hurt again. What if this is all an act because his father is in the process of handing over to him? Think about it”

“I know mom but…” Madison turned quiet, not knowing what to say. Her mum was right about his father agreeing to hand over, Helen had told her she would tell George to agree. So was that why he was acting so nice? If it was then she was highly disappointed. She didn't think he would stoop so low to play with her feelings but then she didn't really know him in the truest sense.

Her happy mood couldn't help but dim down a bit. She was so enthusiastic about the possibility of her marriage working out that she didn't scrutinize his actions as well. She was too trusting as well, too hopeful that Robert wasn't who everyone thought he was. But what if he was?

Joyce sighed, she could tell that her words affected her daughter's mood greatly, she even felt guilty that maybe she said too much.
“Listen to me Maddie, what about the talk we had about ending the contract with him?” Joyce asked.

“I ummm… ” she stammered, she didn't want to tell her about the forever contract, her relationship with Jacob was already as fragile as glass and he was trying to fix it. If she finds out that he put their daughter in a forever contract because of his business, all hell will break loose.

“I understand that you want this to work, you want him to treat you right like his wife and your wishes are valid. But can you please not put all your eggs into one basket? Don't think with your heart but your head, Maddie. Don't let him know that you are desperate, just keep watching and observing him till the company has been handed over to him. See if he still treats you well after that and if he doesn't, terminate the contract without second thoughts. Do you understand?”

“Yes, mom. I understand” Madison said with a sigh.

“I already feel terribly guilty about what you had to go through to save Mandy. I won't let you go through more pain now that she's fine” Joyce said with a shaky voice and her head slightly bowed.

“Mum…” Madison was about to say when Robert shouts interrupted them.

“Mandy? Mandy? … Madison, ma'am… I think something is wrong with your daughter” Robert's worried and frantic voice was all Madison and Joyce needed to come rushing to the living room.

There Mandy was, gasping for breath and jerking violently. All the color drained from Madison and her mother's face and what replaced it was pure horror.


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