unexpected encounters chapter 1

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There was a college girl called "sanjana". She was an introvert with an extrovert friend circle.
She got invited to a birthday party of his niece, but she didn't know this one day will change her fate. Sanajana was depressed and having suicidal thoughts. She was facing sleeping paralysis too, being trapped in a negative aura.
She was dancing at a party when she saw a man (vivan) with black shirt on minding his own business. There were so many people at the party but he got her attention.. She ignored him and kept dancing. He was sitting in a room with his phone. She noticed him as being shy to open up with others. She served him food and tried to crack a conversation. later , he started taking part too.they are having a very deep conversation about how to solve Rubik cube . Hahah!!
Then she invited him for a late night walk cause he was being nice and she found him cute.
He tried to run away but she got him but out of nowhere the whole family was involved in this late night walk.
She made him comfortable and he started enjoying everyone's company too, but there was a girl who having his eye on him too " Ayesha" . She is older than sanjana and having boyfriend too.
She tried every possible move to get close to him but got failed. Sanjana is way better than her.After walking that much, they bet to use stairs ( 14 floors) .
Sanjana was the first one to accept it because she doesn't like being with his family, she was trying to be late. vivan quietly followed her. At the 12th floor he held her hand and leaned on her
said thank you in low voice and made her feel butterflies in her stomach.
This was the first encounter they had.
They share their insta id too.

Unexpected EncountersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant