86: 𝑂𝑟𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!

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Kira had a talent for avoiding situations she didn't want to be in. She hid and made excuses to avoid helping Bakugou cook. The boy was a total menace in the kitchen and Kira didn't feel like getting yelled at.

And now she was avoiding the hot springs. She didn't feel inclined to sit in a hot tub naked with a bunch of people. Especially not while being able to read their minds and on top of that, the minds of the boys right behind the wall. So she snuck into the kitchen while all the other students were getting ready for a relaxing bath.

She wasn't alone, but she didn't care that Kota was hiding in the pantry. Avoiding the hero course students completely. She understood why, he parents were heroes.

And that was what killed them.

"Do you have any good snacks in there?" Kira asked him through the closed door.

"How did she know I was here?!" He thought. But slowly slid open the door.

"What are you?" Kota asked her suspiciously. The sliding doors opened just a crack. All she could see was his eye peeking out with a glare.

"A UA student. Duh, so come on. Don't you have any cookies? Maybe some beef jerky?"
Kira asked, avoiding the question.

"How do you know everything?" Kota questioned her again.

"It's just my quirk kid." Kira said, walking to the door. "Like how you use water."

"See. I didn't tell you what my quirk is." Kota frowned.

"You didn't have too. My quirk is mind-reading. That's also how I know you have Doritos in there." Kira pointed out with a smile. "Can I have some?"

"You're a mind-reader? That's a dumb quirk." He scoffed. "Knowing everyone's business. You can't even fight with it."

Kira chuckled. "I know right. It really sucks sometimes." She shrugged. "But it has it's uses."

"You're dumb to think you can be a hero. All heroes do is show off their quirks. What are you supposed to do? Just tell everyone what they already know about themselves?" He asked her.

"You know I like you." Kira sat down on the other side of the door. "I think we're really similar."

"Oh yeah? We're not alike at all. You're a wannabe hero. I hate heroes." Kota said, crossing his arms.

"I used to not like heroes either. I knew a hero, he was constantly letting me down. But now I see  they're not all bad, a lot of heroes aren't trying to show off. They're trying to help people." Kira said with a small smile.

"Like mom and dad-"
He glared at her, knowing she knew about his parents. "We're not alike at all. Do you know what it's like for your parents to die and leave you all alone? Because they were chasing a stupid dream."

"Not exactly. But I do know what's it's like to lose your parents." Kira said with a frown. "Mine didn't die doing something important though. Something they loved."

His eyes widened a little. "What... What do you mean?" He whispered. "She's an orphan too?"

"My parents died in a car accident, when I was twelve. I live with my uncle now." Kira told him. He didn't need to know about her complicated relationship with her last relative. "So yeah, I kinda do know what it's like. It sucks doesn't it? Kids like us shouldn't have to go though that."

"Yeah it does. My parents killed themselves because they wanted to fight villains and show off their quirks." Kota said spitefully. But Kira could feel his anger fading. At least the anger towards her.

"Heroes do more than show off. Believe me if that was it I wouldn't be here at all. Heroes are supposed to help people, and I think that's what your parents were doing." Kira said with a smile.
"I know pro heroes that chase fame. They do exist, I'm not denying that. But it's not everyone."

"So why do you want to be a hero?" He asked.

Kira hesitated. Because she hadn't given it much thought.

She was originally here out of convince. Then because of Bakugou and to spite her uncle. But was she even going to be a hero?

I mean she was pretty decent at it. That much was obvious, is that why she was doing it? Because she was okay at it? Or did she just feel like she had to stay at UA after everything that's happened?

Kota scoffed when Kira hesitated. Slamming the door shut. "You can't even answer me!"

"Hey you little Sh- Turd! It's not that easy. My situation isn't like all the others." Kira said. Realizing she should watch her language when around the young child.

She opened the door again slightly. Hoping to see his snacks while she was talking to him. "I guess I just want to help people. People like me."

"Then become a therapist." He said.

'Did he just roast me?" Kira wondered, shaking her head. "I was saved once. By a hero that I really look up too now. A hero that doesn't care about showing off, he just does what's right. I want to be like that. I want to help kids that were in my situation."
She answered with a frown.
"I know it might sound corny but... I guess I just want to make the world a better place for kids like you to live in."

He stared at her for a second. Then closed the door again. "Yeah, that is corny." He mumbled.

Kira sighed and then stood up. She wasn't going to get anywhere with him, but she figured he was just going through an angsty phase. She related to that too.

She shook her head. "Whatever you say kid." Kira turned to leave.

"Wait." Kota thought. Kira turned around and the door opened and quickly closed as he tossed something out.

A small bag of Doritos.

"Hey thanks!" Kira smiled and took it.

"Whatever. Now go away."


Kira walked through the halls to the girls room. Ready to spend the remainder of the time her classmates were in the hot springs sleeping. She passed the boys room and Kaminari stepped out, holding his phone like he had been looking at it when she walked up.

He was completely dry, apparently also not going to the springs. "Oh... Hey Kira!" He smiled but she could feel that he was a little nervous.

"Hey Kami." Kira said with a yawn.

"Do you um... Do you know where  that Tiger guy is?" He asked sheepishly. Kira glanced at his phone right as he clicked it off. Oddly enough he was looking at Tiger's Wikipedia page.

"Um I'm not sure." Kira frowned. "Maybe he's somewhere outside, Aizawa might know."

He nodded and rushed away. Kira felt a little curious but that was normal for her. Especially because she couldn't read his mind. It wasn't often someone walked away and Kira didn't know exactly what they were doing.

She loved and hated this feeling of ignorance.

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