Chapter 14: "Eternal Farewell"

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As Dorji Yuden sat in the sanctuary of her room, the haunting echoes of Tashi's and Dechen's parents' interview pierced through the tranquility, shattering the fragile semblance of normalcy that had enveloped her world. A wave of shock and disbelief washed over her, leaving her gasping for breath as the weight of the devastating news settled like a heavy stone in the pit of her stomach.

In an instant, the vibrant tapestry of her existence faded to muted hues, the colors of joy and laughter eclipsed by the looming shadow of grief. Tashi and Dechen, her steadfast companions, her confidants, her pillars of strength, were suddenly torn from the fabric of her life, leaving behind a raw and gaping wound that throbbed with a pain she could scarcely bear.

Tears cascaded down Dorji Yuden's cheeks in an unending stream, each drop a silent lament for the irreplaceable bond she had shared with her friends. Their absence reverberated through the walls of her heart, leaving behind a deafening silence that echoed with the echoes of their laughter and the warmth of their embrace.

Amidst the anguish that threatened to consume her, Dorji Yuden clung to memories like lifelines, each one a flickering beacon of solace in the vast expanse of darkness. She recalled the countless moments of shared joy and camaraderie, the whispered confidences exchanged under the cover of night, the unspoken understanding that had bound their souls together as kindred spirits.

And as she wept for the loss of her beloved friends, Dorji Yuden made a solemn promise to carry their memory forward with unwavering determination and love. Though they had been taken from her far too soon, their spirit would endure within her, a guiding light to illuminate the path ahead and remind her of the beauty and resilience of the human spirit.

In a poignant moment of reflection, Dorji Yuden also found solace in the thought that Tashi and Dechen had played a pivotal role in showcasing her creations to the world, their unwavering support and presence serving as a testament to the power of friendship and shared dreams. With a heart heavy with gratitude, she whispered a silent thank you to her dear friends, knowing that their legacy would continue to shine brightly through her artistry and passion, a tribute to the love they had shared and the dreams they had dared to chase together.

Yangay sat beneath the harsh glare of the interrogation lights, his smug demeanor a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere that engulfed the room. The inspector's voice cut through the tension, demanding answers with a sense of urgency that hung heavy in the air.

"Why did you do it, Yangay?" she pressed, her tone edged with frustration.

A sly smile danced on Yangay's lips as he lounged in his chair, relishing the spotlight. "I was tired of living in their shadow," he confessed, his words dripping with bitterness. "I wanted to assert my dominance and show them who's truly in control."

The inspector's expression hardened at Yangay's callous admission, her gaze shifting to the grieving mothers whose tear-streaked faces betrayed their pain.

"How could you?" Dechen's mother's voice quivered with emotion, her anguish reverberating through the room.

Tashi's mother buried her face in her hands, her body trembling with the weight of her sorrow.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Chador, Tashi and Dechen's loyal friend, stormed into the room with righteous fury. Without hesitation, he lunged at Yangay, his fists fueled by a potent mix of rage and grief.

"You coward!" Chador's voice thundered, his words a primal scream of anguish. "You've taken away my best friend, all because of your petty jealousy!"

The constables acted swiftly to restrain Chador, pulling him away from Yangay before he could inflict further harm.

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