6... Change

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Home... that was something that was now changing. Just a mere day after winning my first points I'd been handed the keys to an apartment in Monaco and told I should change my flight to Nice instead of London Heathrow.

The apartment had been my grandfather's for many years, acting as one of the many family residences. It wasn't huge but it was enough for a weekend getaway to the sun or as a place for him to stay during the Monaco Grand Prix.

I'd previously been renting a small flat in Milton Keynes with Jen, but the move to Monaco would definitely be good for both of us. While we still had the need of somewhere to stay whilst at Red Bull HQ, you couldn't disagree that Monaco's almost constant sunshine was perfect for training. It was definitely much better than the British drizzle.

I'd boarded the plane alone, Jen opting to head back to the UK to see family and pick up some things before joining me in Monaco. After landing and taking a taxi from Nice airport to the principality, I'd then clunked my way along the polished 4th floor of the apartment block until I reached number 42.

It was a nice 2 bedroom apartment with views out to sea. I suppose it was un-homely compared to the other residences of my grandparents but I knew that after a few days of Jen and I living there, it would certainly look lived in.

All it took was a couple of hours to unpack, before I found myself venturing out into the Monaco sunshine. I needed to expel some energy after sitting around for so many hours on planes and in taxis, so I opted for a run.

Returning from my short run down to the harbour and back I was decidedly sweatier than when I had left, music filling my ears as I fumbled with my door key.

I jumped as a warm hand touched my shoulder, turning around instantly to be faced with a very familiar face. I definitely hadn't been expecting that.

"Do I have a new neighbor?" He grinned widely as I tugged my headphones from my ears.

"It certainly seems that way," returning the wide smile.

"I'll let you go shower, but I'm always available for a cuppa, don't hesitate to knock if you need anything." I smiled thankfully, as he nodded to the door opposite before heading down the hallway to the elevator.

So that was it, I'd met the first of my neighbours and it so happened to be my teammate. Daniel Ricciardo.


Although after a few days of living in the same building, I had not only taken the Australian's offer of a cuppa up, but we'd also been out training together. It seemed that he often joined other drivers out on their bikes and now I'd been invited to join their group, as well as the occasional ride with just the two of us.

Now I'd somehow managed to recruit him to help me look at a potential car for me to buy. Of course I'd been offered an infiniti just like his but I always liked to drive something a little more vintage if possible and with my increased paycheck from Bahrain I felt as if I could treat myself to a car I would love.

Thus we were driving across both the Monaco-France and France-Italy borders, to a small town where my dream car was being sold. However, I wouldn't let Dan in on my choice of car anymore than the colour.

"So you're telling me its racing green? But you won't tell me anymore than that?"


"Yet I'm the one driving you 100 miles to look at this thing, in the knowledge you might not even buy it if it's a rust bucket."

"Enjoy the suspense, you'll see it soon enough. But thank you for driving me."

I was incredibly grateful that he'd helped me out, even if it was just for a few hours midweek, giving us both an opportunity to remove ourselves from the busy principality without flying to another country or getting on our bikes.

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