15... Silly season

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"Noni is it true that you've been offered a full contract for next season?"

"Noni! Would consider driving for Haas racing?"

As per-usual for the mid-season, the rumour mill had begun to grind and speculation about contracts and drivers moving teams was rife. It was no different for me than any of the other drivers, especially seeing as I wasn't tied into any contract. But for me I was quite happy waiting for a potential contract from Red Bull before jumping ship to another team, especially a brand new team like Haas.

For Dan there was rumours of Ferrari and leaving Red Bull, but as he and Christian both told the press, his deal was pretty watertight and I couldn't see him leaving a team that he had already managed to achieve so much with.

However, the press took a break from harassing me about contracts on the Thursday evening, when I had my track walk. Although, with it being my home grand prix the BBC had asked if David Coulthard could join me.

"So Noni, the first time we met you were quite a bit smaller than now, but it was at this very race track," DC began as the camera begun rolling and we began our walk of the track, my engineers nearby. 

"Yes, I think I was about 4 or 5 years old when I first came to Silverstone," I replied thoughtfully, trying to count the years in my head. "I think I was running around saying I was going to be a formula 1 driver and I guess that's when my mother started to worry. From then on she couldn't do much to stop me getting in a kart, especially with an uncle and a grandfather as racing drivers."

"So it's a track you know well, because you've walked it far more times than most rookie drivers. Plus you have the added bonus of racing here in GP2, so how do you feel going into your first British Grand Prix?" He asked as we wandered down onto the pit straight, the grid positions painted on the tarmac beneath our feet. 

"I feel quite relaxed actually, it just feels like home. As you know the whole family has come down, we've got the whole Stewart entourage and I love having them here to watch, especially when the team I race for is the same one that was Stewart Grand prix just over 15 years ago." I explained, family was a big part of my life even though I didn't see them very often. Without family I would never have achieved a fraction of what I had. 

"Ok, so we're sat on the floor on the grid at the same height you would be..." 

The discussion turned to the track and its layout and the technical aspects of the race, from the moment we sat down on the tarmac to the moment we climbed back over the pit wall and left the track. I liked interviews with DC, because as an ex-driver himself and a friend of the Stewart family, I felt like he understood me a lot more and respected my privacy more than the other journalists. Even so I still had to be very careful with whatever I said. 


After the track walk, Millie met me with a weak smile and her notebook, quickly running through my itinerary for the weekend. Despite having chatted about 'the kiss' it was still a little awkward between us, mainly because Millie seemed to be quite embarrassed. She became especially embarrassed when Dan ever entered the vicinity, quickly scurrying away with her head bowed, for she now knew that Dan also knew the whole story. 

Right on queue he arrived just as she was finishing up; "So you have a dinner reservation at 7pm and I've arranged a car for you. I can let Louisa know if Dan will be..."

"If Dan will be what?" he interrupted, ruffling up my hair as he came to stand beside me at the back of the garage. 

"Going to dinner with Noni's family," Millie squeaked, trying to avoid eye contact with Dan the whole time. 

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