14... Work it out

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Dan stepped back, taking his hands away from my body and staring straight back into my eyes without blinking.

"Millie... as in your press officer, Millie... kissed you?" he asked.

I nodded, dropping my eyes away from his.


"Last Sunday when she dropped me off after Goodwood," I gulped.

"And? You could have told me two days ago," he snapped in irrititation.

"I was confused, and when was the right time? You were tired, we were busy, there wasn't a good time to tell you. I thought it was my fault, hell it probably is my fault," I retorted, feeling sick to my stomach.

"Hey, its not your fault. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so short." I felt his hands cup my chin and pull it up so that my eyes were joined with his.

"You should... you would have if it was a guy that kissed me."

It was true, had it have been another male this situation would be a very different conversation.

"Well maybe I should just be flattered that females find you just as hot as I do," he winked, quickly diffusing the situation.

"So why were you late home today, did she try it again?" he added, leaning forward with his hands resting on the counter either side of my legs.

"No. I questioned her about it... and it ended up with her crying on my shoulder telling me how she was sorry, she'd never meaned to act on her feelings. Dan I probably shouldn't even have told you... I think she's still 'in the closet'."

I ran my hands through my hair as I explained what had happened in the car.

As I came to a close with the story, he wrapped his arms around me, his warmth engulfing me and the lump in my throat finally subsiding.

* *

The next morning I woke up with a new weight replacing the one I'd lifted by telling Dan about Millie's kiss. Now we both had a secret to keep for her, but atleast I'd been honest with him.

Today however, was a brand new day, and for one of us it signified another year older.

"Mmm, good morning," he mumbled, eyes still closed and his hair messy. He looked content and just that expression across his face was enough to make me smile.

"Happy birthday," I smiled, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his lips.

I giggled as he pulled me closer, rolling over over so that I was laid on top of his, his lips still pressed to mine. Sitting up, I straddled his waist looking down into his bright eyes, the grin across his face cheekier than ever. 

"Time to get up!" A voice suddenly shouted, a loud knock sounding on the door seconds before it flew open. 

Jen strode into the room, throwing  my trainers at me and saying, "Sorry Dan, birthday celebrations need to wait a few hours. Noni has a date with the gym." 

She wasn't bothered by what she'd just walked into, but had her 'strictly business' face on. That wasn't a state of Jen that you wanted to mess with. 

"How did you..." I stuttered, catching the trainers and my cheeks reddening with every second. 

"Stu leant me his key, said he was giving Dan the day off. But you can join us if you want?" She explained, directing the last part towards Dan. 

"Yeah why not... I've got another grand prix coming up, might as well make sure I'm fit for it."

As Jen left the room, I leant down to give him one last kiss before rolling out of bed and changing into my gym gear, Dan mirroring my actions on his side of the room. 

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