Chapter 1

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I dreamed of the day Lorien fell to the Mogadorians. After the nine chosen had gone into the ship, we came into the picture. It was just the four of us, me, and three others that I hadn't seen before. There was a sleeping guy, about a year older than me.  His Cêpan had red puffy eyes, like she was crying. I remember that when I had seen it, I had nicknamed her Blowfish. The other one, another boy, at least a year and a half younger than me was bawling his eyes out. His Keeper was clearly in shock, barely processing anything. The last one, a girl, seemed oddly calm, walking beside her Cêpan, who was also calmLoridas quickly  repeated the charm he had cast on them, including us in it. He ushered each of us into our own ships, behind theirs. Ours were much smaller. I remember how sad I was when I saw one of our ships being hit by a bomb. It fell to the ground in a fiery blaze. After the nine's took off, we followed them, hiding in their bulk.  They were what allowed the rest of us to escape. Our ships landed two months after theirs, as a result of theirs travelling faster than ours. My Cêpan had been driving our ship, and it had crashed, rocking both of us. That was when we first arrived on Earth.

The dream changed to the day my Cêpan, Cara, had died. They had found us in Argentina, when I was Sofia Garcia. I saved a man under a large rock in the aftermath of an earthquake. Cara had warned me against it, but I could't stand not helping him. We were careless. We didn't think that, amidst the chaos, someone would have gotten a picture. They did. A day later, when Cara went out to gas up our car, she had said that she should be back in ten minutes. She wasn't. I saw her die at the hands of a Mog through one of our windows. I knew they had come. I escaped unscathed, but I couldn't bring back Cara. I sobbed uncontrollably, trying to help her, but it was useless. That was when I received my first Legacy: Elecomun, the power to manipulate electricity.

I woke up, my bed drenched in sweat. I was in one of the shittiest motels ever to exist, in New Jersey. It was a place to stay for the night, as I was on the run. Number three had just died yesterday, and I wasn't gonna take the chance of them finding me, so I was supposed to leave as fast as I could. I looked at my new fake I.D. I was to be Tori Winters. My long, curly hair was dyed brown, with my blonde roots already showing up. My blue eyes stared back at me, giving me a look of sadness. My bangs covered most of my forehead, and cast a shadow on my long nose. My lips were places in a semi-smile. I laughed when I realized that my new hair looked more natural on my tanned skin than my actual hair. I had to run far away, bringing with me nothing but my pendant and my chest at even the slightest clue that the Mogs had come. I was sixteen already, and the Mogadorians still don't know about me, twelve and thirteen.

I picked up my stuff, and prepared to leave. I had just developed my second Legacy last year, right before my telekinesis. I could change my appearance to that of someone else's. Cara called it Shiftale, and said that it was one of my mother's legacies . I looked outside my window, and focused on one man sitting at a park bench. I felt my face changing, becoming wider, my hair becoming shorter. Worst of all, I had now gained almost 200 pounds.When I looked in the mirror, I saw myself as him. I shredded all ties of me in this place. My old I.D, my passport, even my phone. Then, I burned everything in the room. No, not completely. Just enough to hide my tracks.

I know, I know, it wasn't the most subtle thing. But it was the most effective. I started walking quickly towards my car. In my peripheral vision, I noticed a trio of dark trench coats following me, which stood out against the sunny day. I silently laughed. If they were trying to pretend to be normal people, they were failing miserably. When the first one came near, I swung the backpack I had on, with my chest in it, at him. It surprised him, as I was still the fat man, and he fell to the floor. I took out my dagger, which glowed in their presence. My appearance changed back, and I purposely lifted my pants leg up, showing the three scars wrapped around my ankle. 

No longer caring for subtlety, the other two ran towards me, and I jumped on top of someone's car. The dagger glowed brighter, giving me the sign I needed. I dropped it on the ground. The Mog on the ground near it started to get up, while his comrades laughed at me. They didn't laugh for long. The dagger sprung to life, glowing even brighter. It flew through the first Mog, disintegrating him into ashes. The other two, too focused on me, didn't see it, and started shooting at me with their blasters. I smiled when the dagger stabbed one in the back. The other grew wary of it, blocking it with the butt of his gun. It was easy for me to strike him down with my Elecomun.

I grabbed my dagger when I heard stampeding footsteps, and knew that others were coming. What had just been a fun fight for me was going to become a life or death battle. I stuffed my backpack in the driver's seat. And tried to start the engine. Damn it! I had forgotten the keys in the motel. I took out the panel under the wheel, and took the two wires. I put the two together, and I saw a dark hat come into view. I put them together again, and used my Elecomun to start the engine.

The car roared to life, and I jammed my foot on the pedal. The soldiers ran towards me, shooting at my car. They hit the back windshield, and it shattered.

"Shit!" I yelled. 

I wove through the forest of cars, while the Mogadorians shot at me from the side. I couldn't use my Legacies while driving. I ran over the ones that were stupid enough to go near my car, while, using my telekinesis, I looked through my already opened chest, going through the unfamiliar items. I picked up one of my favorites, which I called the Duplicator. After it made a copy of itself in my chest, I put it in the middle of the car, and swerved into a right turn just as a perfect replica of me and my car appeared to keep driving. Luckily, the Mogs didn't catch on to my ruse, and they followed my twin.

I drove my car the opposite way, Southwest, towards my new home in Frankfort, Kentucky. I needed to do a better job of hiding. The Mogs were on the hunt for number four, which means they were coming for all of us. I just hoped that we were all ready for them.

Author's Note:

This is my first fanfiction. Please read, comment, and vote guys! Let me know what you think!  

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