Chapter 4

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I didn't know where I was running, but I knew that I had to get away from there. No one could know about me. I just had to hope that Twelve and Thirteen had come to the same conclusion. I eventually came to the actual town of León, Spain. I stopped at a café, changing my form to the human I saw fighting helping the Garde.

When I walked in, though I realized it was a huge mistake. The person behind the counter said, "Ah! Héctor Ricardo! How are you doing today?"

I mumbled incoherently, and he pointed to a booth with an old woman in it. "Go sit with your mother! I'll make your usual and put it on your tab!"

I sat down with her, and, as soon as she looked at me, her eyes widened. "You are not my son!"

I looked at her, confused, and put my finger to my lips. Her eyes seemed to become even wider, almost popping out of her head, and she put on a huge smile.

"You! You are like my angel! You are like Marina!"

I looked at her, afraid she would tell someone I was here, therefore putting me on the Mogs' radar, but she just said, "Come to my house! You'll be safe there."

She exited quickly, as if she was twenty years younger the she looked. I picked up my coffee, which was a caramel iced coffee. It was't my preferred choice, but it was fine for me. She brought me a couple blocks down, and I entered her house.

It's small, but just large enough for her and her son. It's dark, and I can barely see a thing, but she turns on a couple lights. There are Catholic figurines everywhere, and I almost bust out laughing. A black and white cat was sitting on top of a table, licking his fur, chewing on a Virgin Mary statue.

"Feo!" She yells. She pushes him off the table, and puts the statue back on the mantel.

She looks at me, as if just remembering I was there, and says, "Sit! Sit!"

I do, and she says, "Get rid of that disguise. I know you are not my son!"

I shrug my shoulders while doing, making it look like my body was rippling.

When she sees me, she covers her now open mouth, and says, "You are like Marina! She cured me!"

Her eyes start tearing up, but I just smile, not wanting to reveal anything else. On the inside, I wonder who this person is.

She keeps on talking, "I was sick my whole life. The doctors said they couldn't do anything. But my angel fixed me! She took the dangerous disease away!"

Then, I realize it. This woman was the one with the incurable sickness. The one that had been miraculously healed.

That's when I open up. "She was glad to. But bad men might come for you. I can protect you, if you like."

I didn't want to reveal to her that I was actually from the planet Lorien, and that the Mogadorians might come for her since she had known one of the Garde. She readily agreed, nodding her head so fast I thought it would pop off.

I put down my backpack, and asked, "Is there a place where I can put my things, Mrs. Ricardo?"

She pointed to a room, and started cooking up a large meal. Inside, the room was small, with just a bed, but I didn't complain.

I set down my stuff, and took a shower. I tried to wash away our battle at the lake, but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. The Mogs tried to destroy us, but they were too late. We were forming our Legacies before they came. They got Numbers One through Three, but now we could fight back, and win.

This was demonstrated in Paradise, Ohio by John Smith, and his 'father.' They had supposedly demolished a whole school, only leaving behind piles of ash, which I knew were the remains of Mogs. There was also the battle I had fought with the two other Garde, Marina, and the storm one. If we were that powerful alone, then it was time to come together.

Then and there, I decided I had to find twelve and thirteen. And we were gonna kick Setrákus Ra's ass.

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