Chapter 3

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I silently gasped, looking sideways at him. He took off his hat, putting it on his head. He took off the blanket to reveal a large, dark trench coat. What I had mistaken for snoring, was the cocking of a weapon. He pointed one of their blasters at me.

He laughed evilly, and I just smiled. I was draining the electricity from his blaster, and, when he shot me, nothing happened. I kept my smile, until he took out another, much larger blaster, and pressed the trigger. I didn't have enough time to stop it, and white hot daggers of pain stabbed my stomach, where he shot me. Black dots swam across my eyes, and I started shaking uncontrollably.

Hoping the humans would help me, I yelled, "Help! He has a gun!" before I went unconscious.

I woke up just as the plane was landing. I felt woozy, and i was still shaking. I looked down at my stomach, but don't find any injuries. It must've only been meant to stun me. I feel a damp towel on my forehead, and took it off. 

A flight attendant asked, "Are you okay, sir?"

I thanked the Elders that my appearance stayed the same, and said, "Yeah. Just peachy."

I stepped out of my seat, looking for the Mog, and asked, "Where is he?"

The determination in my eyes probably told her that I wanted to kill him, but she said, "He was taken away just now, when we landed."

We landed? "I gotta go! Thank you!"

I said, before running down the aisle, and out of the plane door. I brought my backpack with me, which surprisingly still had my stuff in it. I ran to the Convent where the flying people had been seen, willing myself to go faster than ever before. I had memorized the instructions on the flight, before I was knocked unconscious. 

During my run, I thought about how the Mog had actually hurt me. That could never happen. The charm wouldn't allow it. Unless the charm had been broken. I smiled. The Garde have come together. The Mogs were strong, but we had strength in numbers.

When I got to the Convent, I changed my appearance to myself. I was surprised to see it under attack by Mogs. I was too late! The Garde member was in there!

I tore through their ranks, using my Elecomun to clear a path. The electricity traveled from one Mog to another, turning them into ash. 

I tried to navigate through the huge stone building, but I somehow walked into the main church area, where there was a trail of blood. I found a young woman laying there, dead. I only needed one look to know she was a Cêpan. The Mogs knew that we were here. 

I found girls hiding under beds, and in closets; pretty much anywhere they could fit. I gathered them up, telling them, "Stick with me, and you'll be fine." 

I told them to follow me outside. I ran through the Mogs, at a slow pace so the girls could keep up with me. I ripped blasters from the pale bastards' hands with my telekinesis and gave them to the girls. Most of them were thankful, but a few were not. 

"You're just like that freak, Marina!" One yelled at me.

"You brought the monsters to us!"

"Why don't you just leave!"

Marina must have been one of us, one of the Garde.

"Marina! Where's Marina?"

"She ran off to the lake. She just left us all here to die! She even just left her dead mother in there!" She stared sobbing uncontrollably.

I took out my Chest, and used the Duplicate to create a twin of myself. I told her, "Run the hell away from here. Take the girls with you And if any Mog comes your way, kick his ass!" 

I ran towards the direction of the lake, not bothering to look behind me. I had seen the lake on my earlier run from the plane. That was where the real battle was happening. I watched hundreds of Krauls attack what could have only been a Chimæra, while a human and a Mog shot at the attacking Mogs. 

I didn't know why a Mog was helping, but I didn't care. I saw two girls run off in the distance, and I followed them.

One pushed her Chest into a tree, and closed the other girl inside the protection of it. I ran towards her just as the Piken did. I attack it from behind, shooting bolts at its hide. It roared in pain, but kept chasing after the girl.

I heard the girl in the tree yell, "Marina!"

So it was Marina. I saw her start shooting other trees at it, and it started falling. I expected it to hit her, but it fell over the cliff. I watched as a Mog sneaked up on her, and I ran as fast as I could towards her. But I was too far. The Mog shot her in the stomach, and she fell. She stared at the sky, and I look up, seeing dark clouds form in the sky. A torrential downpour starts, and I laugh. My Elecomun always works better in a storm. 

I raise my hands,  willing my Legacy to work. I feel the static electricity between the clouds, and as I prepare to shoot it at the Mog, a lightning bolt strikes it. I turn, confused. I didn't do that. 

I watch as a small human figure looks at the lake, which the group is now swimming in. I stare, mesmerized, at the large blue pendant on her neck. She disappears, and, suddenly, krauls start smashing into one another. 

I smile, and run after her, following the trail of ash. She appears again, and looks at me, as storm clouds collect overhead. I hold my hands up, and a crisscross of electricity lights up the sky. She stares at the clouds, and I bring lightning strikes down on the Mogs approaching from the road. 

The Mogs are too stunned to run as what must have been hundreds of bolts struck them down from the sky. My Legacy had never been this powerful. It must've been because of my close proximity to the other Garde. The Mogs approaching were soon all ash.

I realize with terror that I've revealed myself to the Garde, and the Mogs. They might not know what number I am, but they know something fishy might be going on. The Garde will know when they all join. I look at her, and mouth, "I was never here. I do not exist."

She nods, and turns toward the lake, where Marina is walking. Then, I change my form into one of the girls from the Convent, and run away, faster than ever.


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