Chapter 12

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I forcefully grab Twelve's arm and run towards the Mogs. She pries herself free but still runs with me, her eyes locked on them, her face one of rage. I now know she remember everything, up to the moment she was adopted. They took our planet, our families, everything we had ever known and loved. And then, they came here, came to finish us off, and apparently to take over Earth. Do the whole process to us again. I was damn sure I wouldn't let it happen, and Twelve seemed just as confident. 

The Mogs make a harsh sound, their version of a laugh, I guess. The Mogs still on the ship all point their blasters at us, around fifty of them. Odds are bad. For them.

We stop running around ten feet away, and for a minute just stare at each other. Then Twelve opens her mouth, and screams. 

The Mogs immediately put their hands over their ears, dark red blood running through their fingers. She amps up the intensity and even I have to cover my ears, but a few of the Mogs start to disintegrate. The pure force of her voice is killing them.

I make the process a little faster with my Elecomun, shooting blue-white bolts of electricity at all those that are near, my eyes glowing with intensity. They shoot their blasters at us, and it's the same color as my bolts. Funny I noticed that because those that were gathering up people came to help their comrades, sneaking up on Twelve from behind trees, dumpsters, anything they can find. They shoot.

I remember how it feels to control the electricity all around me. It's like I'm connected to every electron in the area, and I can control their movements, tell them what to do. I focus on their cannon blasts. For a second it's like I see every single atom, every single piece of energy inside them. I hold out my arms, and fling my wrists down. Two of the cannon blasts do the same but there are still about ten more. 

So I form a small blue dome of electricity, and expand it, turning it into the size of a boulder. The Mogs stare in wonder as I cover Twelve with it, who is somehow still screaming. Every cannon blast they throw at it just sizzles against it, making it glow brighter. The eergy from that is contributing to the energy I made. I grin with happiness. We beat so many so easily!

Then I feel it. Instant pain all around my body. I fall to the ground. Or am I still standing? It's hard to tell anymore. My head is throbbing, one hundred times worse than a migraine. My skin feels hot, and I smell smoke. I try to move my head up and the pain intensifies. I see a large Mog standing over me, the largest cannon I've ever seen in his hand. 

He kneels down and tilts my head up, allows me to see what's happening. Twelve. She's stopped screaming but she's still fighting with a ferocity, integrating her telekinesis into the fighting styles I showed her. She doesn't see it coming. The Mog shoots from the cannon, and I try to stop it but what he shoots isn't the blue-white electricity that I can control. It's a black viscous goo, which passes right through my electricity, managing to make it dissipate, and hits her right in her stomach. It burns through her clothes, but doesn't harm her. It just goes right through her skin.

Her eyes go from the normal green to white for a second, then I see black veins run through her skin. She moves her head to look at me in horror, then collapses, her eyes still open, seeing everything. The Mog smiles at me, grabbing both of us and bringing us towards his ship. He props both of us on seats, as if he doesn't care if we try to escape, although I don't think I can.

The pain has subsided a little bit, but every time I try to move, or talk, or breath it comes back with a ferocious intensity, determined to break me apart. I assume it's the same for Twelve, who's sitting like a statue, showing signs of life only through her constant blinking and her slow breathing.

I stop trying to move, but can't seem to fall asleep either. I can't tell if it's from the substance he shot us with, or because of my own thoughts. I can't help but feel like we failed. Not just Twelve and I, but all of us Garde. We couldn't stop the Mogadorians from invading. Twelve and I couldn't even stop ourselves from being captured, and couldn't even save one city, much less many other cities. How many warships could the Mogs have? On Lorien it seemed like they had hundreds, and they no doubt brought them all to earth. Maybe they even made more in preparation for invasion. 

I must slowly start to doze off because I see a blue tentacle rising through the bottom of the ship. When it reaches me I feel the pain go away, and my eyelids start to close. But this time I fight it. I can't fall asleep now, not with the Mog so close. I see Twelve's eyes turn from their current white state to her regular green, piercing, and then they sparkle with cobalt blue. I instinctively gasp, finding it doesn't cause me pain. 

Then I hear a voice, "Hello.'re different. Please, come with me."

And then I can fight the urge no longer, and suddenly, everything goes black.

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