Chapter 7

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"Thirteen!" I yell, screaming, crying out all the tears I have, trying not to look at the new scar currently burning itself into my skin. He looks at me eerily calm, but happy too. And then I finally look down, and realize that it's not one, but two scars burning into my skin. One of the scars I recognize. Thirteen.

"No, no, no, Thirteen, come on, we have to go, we have to go, why aren't you saying anything?" I ask, stuttering, but I know what happened. He's dead. I gently close his eyelids with my thumb, then look around for his killer. I'm surrounded by Mogs, their blasters pointed at me, speaking in their weird language.

"This one is dangerous," one cautions, the leader of the group. I feel some satisfaction when I see them back up, their eyes still glued to me, their blasters pointed at me. But I look down at Thirteen, and I only have one thought. Kill them.

Without even realizing it, I was calling on to my Elecomun, using it to pull electricity out of the sky, out of myself, out of everything to strike the Mogs to ash. More come, and they're trying to take Thirteen, but I won't let them, I won't let them.

I look at them, with such hate, with such malice, that they back away, if only for a few seconds. My anger bubbles up, and I scream, I scream as loud as I can, at them, at Thirteen for dying on me, and at myself. I scream and scream and scream until I have nothing left in me to scream out, and I lie on the ground next to Thirteen, sobbing, holding his hands. I feel rough hands pull me up, away from him, and I can't take it anymore. I lash out, I don't care about their numbers, the weapons, I grab the one with its arms around me, looked into his face. He turns to ash in my hands, and I realize, when I look around that there are no more Mogs, just piles and piles of ash.

I look down at my hands, and see that they are glowing, sparking with blue and white electricity. My whole body is glowing, electricity pouring out of me, attacking the ashes even though they are no longer Mogs. My Elecomun is so much stronger than I thought, but I couldn't save Thirteen. I couldn't help him. Two more of us have died. There are only seven of us left.

I bury him with his chest, not using my telekinesis, needing to feel the pain of the job. I can't live without him, I realize. I grew attached, even though I didn't want to, I started to like him, started to think of a future without Mogs, with us together, and he was taken from me, ripped from my life. I couldn't be alone anymore, I had to find the others, I had to unite us.

I felt in my heart that the others were coming together. Perhaps they all were already together. I needed to find Twelve, and we needed to get together with the others.

I picked up my chest with my telekinesis, and look at Thirteen's grave one last time. I feel tears starting to form, but I push them down. I was going to make the Mogs pay, and tear would just get in the way.

I surprise myself with my own coldness, and tears start to well up again, but I was in control of my emotions. I start to walk towards the road, but the Mogs were back, this time there were hundreds of thousands after me, prepared for what were to happen.

I start to glow again, with electricity, but this time the glow expands outwards, into a dome. I control it, knowing what I'm doing. The Mogs try to rush at me, but the dome incinerates all those who touch it. I start to walk, and the dome follows me, with me at the center.

A blaster shot hits the dome, and I trip over a root. My forehead was filled with sweat from the ordeal of keeping the dome up. They come at me again, and I close my eyes, preparing for death. I felt happy that I was going to get to see Thirteen again, but knew that I was failing my fellow Garde. I stiffened, waiting for the blow, but it never came.

I opened my eyes, and I realized I was in Spain, where I had met the other Garde, next to the lake. It was total and utter destruction, but I was comfortable here. It was a place where the Garde had went to battle against the Mogs, and won!

I hear a movement, and immediately my adrenaline starts pumping, getting me ready for a fight, until a creature is washed out of the lake, a starfish. I watch as it regrows limbs, healing itself. Then I watch as it changes into another animal, a Burgos Pointer, as I recall. It was a Chimæra! It trotted over to her, nuzzling her hand, a spark in her eyes. 

In the past hour, my life had changed completely. Thirteen had died, I teleported, and I had a Chimæra. The Mogs  may have gotten two more of us, but they would never take me. I was ready to fight.

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