chapter 1- mysterious light

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HELLO readers. This is my first real story book. I think my poetry book is quite a fail but check it out anyway if you have the time. READ, ENJOY, FAN, COMMENT, VOTE and stuff... so to the story!!! Please read a bit before you decide to move on because you might like it. :)


Chapter 1- mysterious light

-Shadows POV-

I run through someone's backyard and leap over the fence then repeat. I run as fast as my legs would let me from a strange light that is determined to stalk me wherever I run. Shit it's catching up to me and fast. I don't know why I'm running, I mean I don't even know what it is... all I know is that there was a strange light beaming down in front of me and my instincts screamed RUN FOR YOUR PATHETIC LIFE!!! So I ran and now it is following me.

I chant "I'm sorry Mr. Garden Gnome" as I run past beautiful backyards, ruining everything within a metre radius due to my clumsiness. I haul myself over the fence and land on my butt. I quickly get up just to see that the light has made it to the fence as well. I break into a frantic run for my life and smack into a bird fountain.

I see black clouds in my vision. The light sweeps the ground and gently over my feet...

I feel gravity losing its grip on my body.

My last thought... WTF?!?

Complete darkness.

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