Chapter 1 - part 1

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1 year ago: Sophomore Year


I can't do this anymore. I... Just can't. I can't be Lucy anymore. I have to change. If I continue to be this Daddy's Little Girl and Teacher's Pet, who knows what I might turn into? Denial? Fake smile plastered on my face 24/7 to hid the pain? Go a little crazy? If I change, then I won't have to pretend. I don't have to try to fit in anymore.

Think about Matt...

Oh hush. He'll be fine without me. Besides, he has Daniella. That soon-to-be captain of the volleyball team and vice president of the dance club. He did say he was falling for someone. Obviously it's Daniella. I mean, who wouldn't fall for her? She has everything, and she doesn't come with baggage like I do. This is good for Matt too. Without me, Daniella and many others won't assume that Matt is cheating on her with me. They'll leave Matt and Daniella's relationship alone, and most importantly, leave me alone. I'm going to slowly transform into this rebellious, daughter-of-an-asshole, that I am. I don't want to catch any attention at school. The only person I want attention from is my... "Father".

I grab my scissors and cut crazy layers through my tan/sandy hair. I had plain, clean, straight cut hair, before. Now, I have volume, and style in my hair.

I grab the red hair dye I bought earlier hidden in my bathroom cabinet. Let's get this started... 


Ever since I walked Luce home on Friday, she's been ignoring my calls, texts, facetimes, everything! I tweeted, facebooked, every social network she owned. I spammed her to death! Did I do something to make her angry? When she's mad at me, she usually just ignores me for 2 hours, then we're back to normal. But this... This is hurting me. She hasn't been going to school for a whole week. I hope she's okay.

I run a hand through my long, shaggy, shoulder length, blonde hair as I strolled down the street where Luce and I lived. Usually, I barged in, but Luce isn't acting like herself, and I don't want to upset her even more by frightening her. I nervously walked up to the door and knocked three times.

The door opened abruptly. I jumped back, startled, "Hi, Mr. Coupp. Is Lucy home?"

Mr. Coupp looked angry and stressed for a moment, then his eyes softened. "I think you're the only one that'll get through her. Please, come in," he gestures his hand towards the stairs.

I ran up the wooden stairs, towards Luce's room. I stopped at her door and composed myself. Breathe in, breathe out. I knocked very gently on her white door covered with colorful drawings and paintings of her name. I waited for her to say "come in," but nobody answered. Huh. I slowly opened the door and looked around her girly room. All of her favorite clothes are scattered on her floors, and shopping bags from Zumiez and Hot Topic were all over her bed. She never shops at those places because she said they give her the creeps. This is strange.

I tiptoe towards her bathroom in her room, and see the light on. I quietly turn the knob on the door and peek my head in. Talk about Peeping Tom, I know. It looks like she just took a shower. She had a towel wrapped around her head, and was wearing a black tanktop and black skinny jeans that hugged her legs perfectly. She was leaning towards the mirror applying her mascara.

I strolled in her large bathroom, arms crossed, leaning on the closed door. "You're beautiful enough without makeup," I say, clearly taking her off guard. She jumps and her mascara wand thingy comes flying out of her hand, slashing at her mirror, leaving a line of black smudge.

Her cheeks turn into that wonderful pink that I love, "How did get in here, perv?" she asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.

I knew she was putting her poker face on, so I played along. "Oh you know, jumped in from your window. Don't worry babe, you're Dad didn't hear me," I replied in a low voice. I nonchalantly stepped closer to her with each word.

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