Chapter 4

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Sawyer and Peyton ran back into the backseats with their arms full junk food.

"How did you buy all of that with $20?" I asked amazed.

Sawyer and Peyton looked at each other and laughed uncontrollably. Peyton was holding her stomach and Sawyer was slapping his thigh and clapping.

"We didn't." They replied simultaneously.

Wait, what?

"What do you guys mean?" I stared back at them.

"Oh, here's your $20 back." Peyton threw it the dollar bill at me. "I suggest you drive away now." she encouraged.

"We didn't use 'money'" Sawyer air quoted 'money'.

Right then, a man with a beard and a religious scarf type thing wrapped around his head ran out of 7-Eleven and towards our car.

"Oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT!" I screamed as I pressed on the gas. I almost ran him over because he got so damn close to the car!

Sawyer and Peyton wouldn't stop laughing the whole way home. My heart was still beating erratically from almost being arrested. This was a car full of underage drinkers and 2 high teenagers. Oh, and don't forget that I don't even have a license yet! This day just has been going downhill. Well, technically it's morning now. It's 4am.

Parking the car in my driveway, I notice that my dad's car is gone.

Of course. I thought.

"Guys, go inside and watch some TV." I urged to the 2 giggling teenagers. I handed my house keys from my front pocket to Sawyer and they ran inside with the food.

Walking around the front of the car, I opened the passanger's door and hauled the sleeping Matt out of the car. He was so heavy! I put him in a piggy back position on my back and lifted him up. Locking Sawyer's car, I struggled to get to the front door. My legs are not strong enough for this! I grunted in pain.

"Luuuu..." Matt moaned in my ear. I shivered involuntary. Was he dreaming about me? My legs started to buckle of the thought of Matt dreaming about me.

No. Don't think about this now, Lucy.

Step by step, I finally made it to my front door. And it was locked! What the...

I door belled over and over again until one of the two idiots opened the door. My kitchen and living room was a mess. I should've predicted this would've happened. I laid Matt down on the couch in front of the TV and started to pour the chips Sawyer and Peyton got from their little spree, into a big bowl.

I had no idea where Peyton and Sawyer went. Probably to the pool in the backyard. All their clothes except for their underwear were scattered around my house. I got both of their phones from their jeans pockets and texted their parents saying that they were spending a night at a friend's. I didn't want Matt's family to worry about him either. I texted Connie from my phone and told her to tell her Mom that Matt was fine. I always did that whenever Matt fell asleep at my house after a long day of hanging out at my house. They always trusted me. But I don't know if they still did.

After babysitting everyone, Peyton and Sawyer finally fell asleep. Sawyer slept on the floor next to the couch Matt was sleeping on, and Peyton slept in my bed with me. They were still drunk, and I don't know what would happen if I let Sawyer and Peyton sleep in the same room.

I sat in bed staring at the ceiling, reminiscing to myself. Besides the fight, Victor, Daniella and Matt interrupting my night, I had a really good time. Now I have to face Matt when we wake up. Ugh, why didn't I bring him home...

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