Chapter 3

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It was Victor! Out of all guys! So much for my good friends.

"Ugh," I grunted, trying get out of his uncomfortable hold that he had on me.

He nuzzled my ear with his nose, breathing in deeply, "Babe, you're staying with me tonight." He started to softly sway to the music. I looked around at everyone. My eyes pleading for help to get me out of this weird and awkward situation. He was rocking me back and forth to a dubstep song! Who does that?

I catch a sight of Matt and stare at him. I know he could feel someone staring at him (it's like his sixth sense!) so he looks around the crowd. His eyes land on me, and I start waving my hands at him. His gaze travels to the arms that are wrapped around my waist and his eyes narrow. Shaking his head, he turns away, dragging Daniella with him.

Shit, shit, and shit.  


Seriously, Luce? Why is she doing this to me? Does she really want to hurt me?

Holding Daniella's hand, I dragged her to the backyard. There was a bonfire and I wanted to talk to some of the people from different schools. I grabbed two beers from the cooler. I popped them open and handed one to Daniella. She took the beer and drank almost half of it. Damn, this girl could drink.

"I'll be right back," she whispered in my ear before walking into the house. I shivered. I don't know why. It wasn't even cold outside.

I walked over to the bonfire and talked to some kids who were going to be Sophomores. They all seemed really cool, but nervous because it seemed like it was their first high school party. I couldn't blame them because I went to my first high school party as a Freshman. I was terrified at first, but I learned how to have fun. Without all the drinking.

I felt hands roam from my shoulders, then wrapped around the front of my chest. Kisses were being planted behind my ear, and goosebumps covered my arms.

"Cold, baby?" A husky female voice asked. I jumped from where I was sitting and came face to face with Daniella. She was shivering, but I don't think she noticed she was.

"Uh, are you cold?" I raised my eyebrows, noticing her dilated pupils.

"No baby, I'm actually really warm." She tried to wrap her arms around my neck and kiss me, but I dodged it.

"I think I should take you inside." I insisted. Grabbing her arm and slinging it around my neck, I hauled her inside the house and guided her upstairs. I had to shove ever person that blocked my way. Daniella kept stumbling and I couldn't just leave her on the couch by herself at this crazy party. Some asshole could take advantage of her.

Finally upstairs, I searched for a room that wasn't occupied by making out couples. Finding a room that was obviously a little girls room, I laid Daniella on the fluffy pink bed. She already passed out. Or so it seemed.

As I turned and walked towards the door, Daniella wrapped her arms around my waist and yanked me to the bed. I yelped in surprise and tried to get off her.

"Stay with me tonight." she whispered seductively.

It was obvious she had Ecstasy. That stuff spreads around parties like the plague at parties like this one. "I don't think I should. I'm going to get you some water and bring you home, okay?" I answered.

"Fine Matty, I'll be waiting." she pouted.

I smiled apologetically and walked downstairs to get her a glass of water.


I'm so screwed. I need to escape. Like, now.

"Hey baby, can you go get me a drink?" I craned my neck up to meet Victor's poisonous gaze.

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